Forum Rules
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Forum Rules
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The Community forums are important to Plusnet as we thrive on the feedback received, be it positive or negative. Over the years the forums have built up a knowledgeable, welcoming and friendly community.
Posting within these forums indicates that you are willing to engage with Plusnet staff and other members to help resolve any issues.
Failure to engage could lead to posts being removed as this is first and foremost a support and help resource.
The forums are moderated by a team of customers; Adie (dvorak) and Mike (Mav) and ex-customer Tony (Baldrick1). They volunteer their time freely and help to keep the forums a friendly and welcoming place for all.
The Help Team are Plusnet staff who monitor and respond to issues in the forums and currently consists of:
Cri Ignatti (Tina11192), Josh Sharpe (Marsh), Joe Elliot (Windings), Lex Keehner (LexLex2020), Lee Brannan (lahbrannan1)
The Community Manager is James Brigham (James_B).
Please note that unsolicited PMs to the people named above may not be responded to as they are not all designated to work on the forums at all times due to other workflows. If you are experiencing a problem and need support, please create a thread in the relevant section of the forum for help. Alternatively you can find our online help pages at
If you ever have reason to question the actions of a moderator you should try and resolve your issue directly with the moderation team via Private Message (PM), if your issue is not resolved please contact the Community Manager via PM. They will liaise with the moderators and make a final decision on your case.
If you receive a Private Message (PM) and you deem that moderator action is required on it, please forward or copy the message via PM to one of the moderation team.
- Forum Language
- Avatars, signatures and Display Name
- General Forum Etiquette
- Attitudes towards other users
- Posting Rules
- Accessing the Forum from Outside the UK
- Moderator actions
- Objectionable and disruptive posts
- General Chat
- The official language to be used with all postings on these forums is English.
- Posts or titles should not be written in ALL CAPS.
- The use of swear words, disguised swear words or attempts to avoid the swear filter are not permitted.
- Potentially libelous comments are not permitted and will be removed.
Avatars, accounts, signatures and Display Name
- Avatar size is limited to 80x80 pixels and a maximum file size of 40kB.
- Use of unauthorised brand icons or logos is prohibited.
- Signatures should be no more than 5 standard lines of text, including blank lines. Image based signatures should be no larger than 100x560 pixels with a file size of 40kB.
- The moderators reserve the right to remove or amend any signatures and avatars not falling within these limits.
- Any display names that are inappropriate, disrespectful or are an attempt to impersonate another user are not allowed.
- Only 1 forum account is permitted per person. In exceptional circumstances this may be relaxed with agreement from the moderation team.
- Bumping is adding to a thread just to push it back to the top of the board. This is not permitted, with the exception of the General Chat board.
- Quotes are a useful way of showing which post/partial post you are replying to.
- You should not quote a full post unless; (i)It’s not the post immediately prior to your reply or (ii)Your post is the first on a new page
- You should always think before using quotes as they can make a thread difficult to follow.
- All posts reported to the moderators are reviewed, they may not respond to the person making the report each time.
- Multiple reports of the same thread, duplicate reports or frivolous reporting will be deemed as abuse.
- Emoticons are a good way of adding some fun in to a post. Overuse (more than 2 or 3 together) is not required.
- The modification of or use of Plusnet or associated brand names by substituting, removing or adding letters is not permitted.
Differences of opinion will happen, however we will not tolerate these turning in to arguments, personal attacks or bullying. This includes but is not limited to:
- Inappropriate language
- Personal attacks either on the forum or via Personal Message
- Trolling of other users / threads
- Impoliteness towards other members, moderators or staff
- Spamming is the act of posting multiple responses that add little to the ongoing discussion, this will not be tolerated.
- Cross-Posting of the same issue across more than one thread should not occur.
- Some threads will deviate from the original topic or discussion, this is accepted. Purposely posting something unrelated to the discussion or posting off-topic responses is not permitted. This rule is more relaxed in the General Chat board.
- Posting inappropriate content such as sexual, racial, religious abuse or explicit material is not tolerated.
- Discussion of how to illegally file share, stream or bypass copyright is not allowed on these forums.
- Sexually explicit or pornographic posts or image are not permitted and will be removed.
- Personal details are not to be posted on these forums, this includes the content of private message unless permission is obtained from all parties.
- This includes the names of staff members who you may have had contact with via a call, chat or ticket. This does not include members of the Plusnet Help Team.
- Any 'for sale posts', advertising and promotion for personal gain or business use will not be tolerated. Posts are determined to be in this manner by the moderators.
Accessing the Forum from Outside the UK
- Accessing the forum from outside the UK isn't guaranteed as is the use of a VPN which may use a non-UK IP. In these instances you may not be able to get the support you require.
The moderators are empowered to perform any actions they deem fit to protect the integrity of the forums. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Removal or editing of posts/threads
- Moving posts/threads to correct areas of the forum
- Warning of users where they breach the rules
- Banning of users, both temporarily and permanently where required. Bans are the last resort, however they are occasionally required to keep the forum a place for the majority to enjoy.
- Moderators notes will be added to posts where they have taken action. These notes are not to be removed or edited unless by a moderator
Objectionable and disruptive posts
Everyone on this forum will have different beliefs, thoughts, viewpoints. We want this to be a place where everyone can come to talk and join in with conversations. Therefore anyone deeming to be disruptive, or posting objectionable content will be spoken to by the moderation team and if their posting style does not change, this may result in further sanctions and ultimately a ban from the forums.
All members should note that the use of these forums is entirely at Plusnet’s discretion and should be viewed as such.
General chat is an area for light hearted discussion away from the main purpose of the forum.
The following topics are prohibited to enable a welcoming atmosphere and any posts deemed to be within these subject areas (at the discretion of the moderators) will mean the posts/threads may be removed without warning.
* Politics
* Religion
Discussion of current affairs is allowed but likewise any baiting or incendiary posts will be removed.
Repeat breaches of the above will be met with severe restrictions and/or permanent removal of forum privileges.
These rules apply in addition to the rules that cover the rest of the forum.
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