I hope no-one was holding their breath waiting for my final post in this thread.
The downgrade to 40/10 (or rather 38/9.5 according to the message I got about it a while back) didn't happen until early this morning. Thanks for the extra weeks of 80/20, Plusnet!. During the last month I was getting approx. 54 mb/s down, 14.5 mb/s up and 8ms pings, according to speedtest.net. BT IP profile was 56.44 / 20.
Today the result of the first speedtest I did after the downgrade (in mid-afternoon) was 36.5 mb/s down, 8.4 mb/s up and a ping of 8ms. Current BT IP profile is 38.72 / 10.
That's OK. As long as my speeds don't drop too much from this level I can happily live with them. If I start to miss the higher speeds or need the extra usage I can always upgrade later.