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Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-12-2010

Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

Hi all,
I have just downloaded and installed Firefox V6.0 and find that only the Plusnet Community Forums pages really look aweful.  Is it just me finding the layout very unreadable or is it FF v6.0 or is it something done to the pages by Plusnet?
Has anybody with FF v6.0 found this happenning to them?
Will appreciate any comments on the above.
Many Thanks and regards from,
Resting Legend
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Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

As I hated the new layout I used Stylish to take it back to the version before they messed with it.
So I didn't notice any difference.
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Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

i got FF6 and to be honest i dint see any difference  Roll_eyes
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Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

I'm also using FF6 and I haven't noticed any difference at all. Still looks OK, exactly the same as before.
But soon there may not even be version numbers:
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Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

Installed FF6 this morning and everything looks the same.  Smiley
@OP - In what way does it look 'awful'?
A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from a simpler system that worked just fine
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Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-12-2010

Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

All the tabs, e.g. reply, quote etc are bullet pointed on the left listed top to bottom in a column form rather than on the top and bottom in rows.  This makes it difficult to read the posts.
First of all appologies for posting it under wrong topic..
Quote from: Oldjim
As I hated the new layout I used Stylish to take it back to the version before they messed with it.

Agreed.  But where does one find the Stylish?
Also, when I load the browser, it comes up with message to effect that the scipt is ........... and I have to click on Continue.  Any idea on how I can mend this?
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Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

Quote from: chandu
All the tabs, e.g. reply, quote etc are bullet pointed on the left listed top to bottom in a column form rather than on the top and bottom in rows.  This makes it difficult to read the posts.

Isn't this something to do with a style sheet not loading correctly? and a refresh usually fixes it.
I've had that problem occasionally on previous versions.
Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
Resting Legend
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Registered: ‎15-06-2007

Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

For Firefox 6 you will need to download version 1.2.1 from and then write a new style with this text 
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain("") {

.catbg , tr.catbg td , .catbg3 , tr.catbg3 td, .catbg2 , tr.catbg2 td
background: url( repeat-x #dddddd!important;
color: #4c4b4f!important;
.catbg a, .catbg2 a, .catbg3 a
color: #4c4b4f!important;
h3.catbg {
padding: 5px 0 0 0 !important;
margin: 0!important;
Posts: 213
Registered: ‎04-02-2011

Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

I was reading this on FF 3.6.20. I saw where Mozilla was talking of dropping the version numbers so I then started up "Chromium" browser (no that's not a mistake, Chromium is the original open source browser which Chrome was copied from. The pages appear exactly the same as in FF.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-12-2010

Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

Hi Guys,
All sorted now.  I had to reinstall the v6.0 and all is now well.
Thank you all for your help.
Rising Star
Posts: 671
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Registered: ‎30-12-2010

Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

Just an update on FF v6.0.
Despite my re-installing FF v6.0 and working fine for a little while, I found it to be very unstable on my 10 year old desktop  Sad and I have reverted back to Firefox v3.6.2, which I find to be very stable.  Smiley I was using FF v3.6.2 prior to updating to v6.0.
I think I will leave v6.0 alone until all the bugs have been ironed out.
Many regards,
Posts: 19,757
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Community Forums Pages Look aweful on FireFox v6.0

yet another problem
I have a new Asus Netbook running Win 7 and Firefox 6
a) it doesnt like Java
B) the BBC video's dont work,
I have tried the locatioon and it is set to UK
It hs the latest version of Adobe flash
Lucky me, it carried over all my cookies and settings, Thunderbird likewise