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General Chat

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General Chat

Why has General chat been removed, and why can I no longer contact a moderator.

Explanation please.

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Herman Melville
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Re: General Chat

Chat removal happened because posters were unable to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner.
It was mentioned multiple times that this was a course of action that could and would be taken.

As for being unable to contact a moderator there is nothing to stop you.
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Re: General Chat

It's the minority that spoil it for the rest of us, same as what happened over on Digital Spy forum.
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Re: General Chat


Well this forum is not allowing me to contact a moderator via PM, but at least you have replied here.

As for a minority @PowerLee it's a well known minority of one in this case that is causing all the trouble and one who is known by the mods who are I'm afraid also part of the problem and one caused by their failure to act in good time and nip it in the bud.

Being a mod might be a rotten job at times, but if they are getting paid for it 'in kind' by being given free line rental (and happy to be corrected if wrong on that) - then at least do the job properly, fairly and without bias.... or don't do it at all. 

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: General Chat

it's just one person until the next one person. Then the next one person.
The number of 'just one person' that have asked for their accounts to be deleted because of chat is now beyond a joke.

Most of them were even customers of Plusnet.
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Re: General Chat

@dvorak wrote:
Chat removal happened because posters were unable to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner.
It was mentioned multiple times that this was a course of action that could and would be taken.

As for being unable to contact a moderator there is nothing to stop you.

I think that's a bit unfair. MiniWoke has signed up, clearly intent on stirring the pot and nothing was done about it. We all know it's a former troll (rEUnite) who had the same habit.

Many of us stayed away from General Chat because we were fed up of this and the lack of action by the moderating team. The irony is that during our absence we saw more locked and moved topics than ever before - I have screenshots that prove it. You went into overdrive. We have NEVER seen so many locked / moved topics.

So who is really at fault? - The old skool members or the moderating team that has gone crazy?












Those are just a few screenshots. I have another 3 or 4 of them.


Please reinstate General Chat. Failure to do so will result in a written letter direct to plusnet HQ via Royal Mail. It's part of the service that we've been paying for and given that it has been provided for over 15 years, the withdrawal of it will have legal implications. There are very few members left here who even use it these days anyway. Most left when we went from SMF to Lithium and there were far worse spats before that happened.

Instead of removing the troll, all you've done is give in to their desire - to close down GC and punish the brexiteers.


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Re: General Chat


Well in this particular instance it's just one person and yes, general chat is now beyond a joke but then moderators should moderate and not just slam the door on it. Sorry to say, but that's just plain lazy considering the 'financial consideration' if I can call it that you all receive for doing it.

The majority play nice -you know they do, but it's the moderating team that allow the immediately obvious disrupters into the playground. 


Nail on the head. 🙂



Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: General Chat

@7up - the locked posts are mostly for moved notices for those posts shunted to the correct location.
This is the way the forum software works, so it's a moderators fault that customers post in the incorrect place and need to be moved?

As politics is against the forum rules I'm not sure how it punishes a political view of any persuasion.

It's entirely up to you if you wish to write to Plusnet.

@Minivanman - the majority play nice as long as that majority is regarded as you?
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Re: General Chat

@dvorak wrote:
it's just one person until the next one person. Then the next one person.
The number of 'just one person' that have asked for their accounts to be deleted because of chat is now beyond a joke.

Most of them were even customers of Plusnet.

So who are all of these usernames? - Because JonoH couldn't remember just two of them.

Just yesterday Miniwoke posted a reply blasting people for voting to leave and saying all the shortages are down to brexit. The reality is that until Covid came about brexit was working out. Nobody predicted covid - the remainers most certainly didn't but as it came about and has caused problems, people like Miniwoke are jumping all over it winding people up;

You clearly knew this was an issue and yet instead of dealing with that one person, you've let it continune. Just like RichAllen was allowed to come back after all the hassle he previously dished out. 

Most of the General Chat users left when the SMF forum was swapped out for this lithium "thing" so it's unfair to blame it on the old skoolers here - me and artmo still don't get on but we've learnt to put up with / ignore each other.

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Re: General Chat

There where plenty of warnings given before today about what would happen to General Chat if the forum users didn't abide by the forum rules - the ones we all have to tick to agree on to be allowed to post on these forums.


General Chat is no more, its a shame but life moves on, there's plenty more important things to worry about in life then PlusNet modifying there forum & removing parts of it.


Plenty of other forums out there & other ways to keep in touch with people to.


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Re: General Chat

artmo who hasn't posted since last year?

dragging up subjects and posts is irrelevant here - forums are dying mostly because of social media.
customers come here for help and the chat was meant to be a light hearted place to post whilst here.
such conversations are few and far between.

you think the powers that be at PN are going to look through chat and think it reflects well on their brand and are going to want it back?
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Re: General Chat

@dvorak wrote:
@7up - the locked posts are mostly for moved notices for those posts shunted to the correct location.
This is the way the forum software works, so it's a moderators fault that customers post in the incorrect place and need to be moved?

As politics is against the forum rules I'm not sure how it punishes a political view of any persuasion.

It's entirely up to you if you wish to write to Plusnet.

@Minivanman - the majority play nice as long as that majority is regarded as you?

Dvorak, i will say again, we have NEVER seen so many locked / moved topics in the history of general chat. I am not saying that lightly. You mods have been circling like vultures locking andmoving anything possible. Go back and look at those screenshots, you've left the forum LITTERED with padlocks. Does that look warm and inviting or hostile? - It's certainly not warm and inviting.

You lot have had more than your fair share of responsibility in this balls up.

Political posts are banned unless they come from returning trolls and then you just let them stay and do nothing about it. Why? - Why do you not remove members who are known for trolling? - Why was RichAllen allowed back? - You lot allowed it, just as you do with all the other trolls. You then wonder why it all kicks off and blame everyone else but the trolls and yourselves.

Laegen / Infinity / PluscomUK.. another member who repeatedly posts to stir the pot. I used to enjoy his posts as PCUK as they appeared to be light hearted, warm and friendly however as time has gone on it has become very clear that he has a motive of winding everyone up, harping on about the BBC, his unlimited cars, celebrity connections etc. You wonder why people here then get fed up?

Come on.

Then we've had RichAllen / MrAllen, rEUnite / Miniwoke and several others..

You know what I think? - I think you guys had already decided to close GC a long time ago and were just looking for the right excuse - one which could be "encouraged" and "nurtured" into position. Real moderators don't let controversial posters continue to post but you guys have done so repeatedly.

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Re: General Chat

The behaviour of the forum software is to create a locked post redirecting to the new location.
I'm really not sure how this isn't clear as has been stated?
Customer posts in wrong place. Post moved. Locked redirection automatically created.
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Re: General Chat

@dvorak wrote:
artmo who hasn't posted since last year?

dragging up subjects and posts is irrelevant here - forums are dying mostly because of social media.
customers come here for help and the chat was meant to be a light hearted place to post whilst here.
such conversations are few and far between.

you think the powers that be at PN are going to look through chat and think it reflects well on their brand and are going to want it back?

Well it was plusnet that unlocked the forum to non customers because they wanted it to grow. As mentioned above, i'm sure they'd be horrified to see so many padlocks there too so you can't blame us for your actions.

So if you've got a problem with your broadband and you're on talktalk are you really going to join the plusnet forum to raise a ticket? - No, you're going to join for general chat.

Artmo and I have a history going way back. Like i said, we've learnt to live with it and we've not had problems for years however moons ago the mod team ignored all of his antics until he went too far one day and OldJim gave him the heavy hand.

Thats how the mod team still works. You let trolls sign up and cause trouble and ignore it - because they are harder for you to deal with and so the rest of us get it in the neck instead.

I posted ONE word yesterday - Covid. I kept my reply as minimal as possible as i did not want a spat. Despite that, Miniwike still replied and tried to stir it up more. Now i'm one of the "at fault" gang.


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Re: General Chat

@dvorak wrote:
The behaviour of the forum software is to create a locked post redirecting to the new location.
I'm really not sure how this isn't clear as has been stated?
Customer posts in wrong place. Post moved. Locked redirection automatically created.

Well you need to change the padlock icon for moved posts. You've littered the entire forum with padlocks. I say You've when it should now really be "You'd"..The last time i saw that forum it had more padlocks than the Pont des Arts in Paris.

Point remains, you've been circling like vultures. Now we've returned from our hiatus and dared to start posting, you've gone OTT with the hammer and binned GC. All those years of people discussing various things, wasted.

Well done.

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