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Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

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Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

I have had enough of this. I find every few weeks that I get logged out despite your previous attempts @jaread83 to lengthen this period.

This week I have been logged out THREE times - and thats just on my PC. The mobile phone has been suffering the same fate too and I am frankly getting sick of it.

What is it that you have changed or undone to cause this behaviour? If I don't get a satisfactory answer I will be making a formal complaint in writing.

This forum was NOT what we signed up for. You have removed a perfectly good forum that worked far better and replaced it with this trash. In effect you have downgraded what we have been paying for and that is not right.

Please for the final time will you fix this issue - I am absolutely livid.


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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

Apologies 7up, I will hound down the Lithium devs first thing about this. It has been happening to me as well and I am currently powerless to do anything on my side of the code.

I will get this chased first thing, I promise.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

Will you? Because this has been going on for months in reality hasn't it. You just managed to mask it previously.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

To be fair I also get logged out occasionally (on PC, mobile and tablet)... no rhyme or reason I can see but I have the forum login details saved and it is only an extra few seconds to log back in so, with respect @7up, I am not sure your outburst is really necessary as jaread83 has been doing great work with the forum.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

I shot an email to Lithium last night at 1am demanding answers as I can understand how frustrating it is.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

@jaread83 - Ah! but what you demand and what you actually get in response may not be the answer you're expecting. It may well be like asking a politician if it's dark outside, to which they'd reply 'Well that would depend on your definition of dark!'. But time will tell I guess.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

I basically told them that I don't want the cookie to ever expire on our community. If I can't get them to do that then I have might be able to manipulate the cookies myself using a script to override the expiry ... but that would be an extreme circumstance.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

I have received a reply from Lithium and they have told me that this is still being investigated by their software development team.

If this cannot be resolved in the next couple of weeks, I will discuss an alternative fix within my team to override the cookie expiry time via javascript (if that is even possible). It wont be the most elegant solution though.

I will keep you updated on the progress of this as and when I receive word about whats going on on their side.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

@jaread83 - Wink

Changing the cookie with JavaScript is possible but as you say it should be a last resort.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

Is this something individual users can get around using a cookie manager to change the expiry date? If so which cookie?

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

If you have 'developer tools' enabled for Firefox, you can manipulate a bunch of them that has the URL

Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 10.31.31.png

There are a few others that are 'session' only and it wouldn't hurt to change them to expire in a few years time rather than when the session ends... not sure how this would affect the login though.. it might screw it up and force you to login again.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

Mostly access the forum using my Win7 PC/IE11, but sometimes visit from my Android/Chrome tablet.

I only (occasionally) seem to find myself logged out on one if I have visited on the other, but I can't replicate the behaviour at will on either device sitting in front of both of them at the same time (logging off each one in turn to see if it affects the other), so the observation is probably of limited value.

(Needless to say both devices are normally set to 'stay logged on'.)

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

@Mav wrote:

To be fair I also get logged out occasionally (on PC, mobile and tablet)... no rhyme or reason I can see but I have the forum login details saved and it is only an extra few seconds to log back in so, with respect @7up, I am not sure your outburst is really necessary as jaread83 has been doing great work with the forum.

4 times in a week on the PC and 3 on the phone is not occassionally though is it Mav. It's excessive and is basically everyday - depending on which device I use.

I have had enough of it.

Why can't we have something proper, free and doesn't need an active developer to be employed full time to fix things like phpb or invisionboard? Heck even vbulletin. Those are tried and tested forums that are known to work straight out of the box - no need for constant bug reports, fixes, delays and excuses.

You say jaread is doing a great job. I've nothing against him as a person and his personal posts show he's a decent person but why do we hear of so many delays, fixes, bodges etc from his direction? - fixing a cookie with javascript in a couple of weeks? - Just get on and do it or find someone who can alter the forums server side code.

I do not understand how an ISP who is always looking to cut corners (while offering good honest broadband from yorkshire) even needs this commercial and costly forum when there are free ones that work right out of the box.

And no, I will not save my login details in the browser - never have and never will.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

I think I tended to get logged out if I didn't have these forums open in a web browser and my Internet connection disconnected and my WAN IP changed. I assumed that this was intended behaviour to improve security. At the moment, however, although it's not static, my WAN IP is staying the same when the connection drops.

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Re: Keep getting logged out - AGAIN

Pc is fine for me , but Mobile Sad  have to log in every time

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