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Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

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Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

So is there any way to remove the Feedback tab on the right hand side?

I was lucky it didn't used to annoy me, now it does. This is not the first site I have used with the annoying Feedback tab which never disappears. Is this a new "feature" with a Software Update?

Is there a way to remove it please, even when I leave Feedback to ask for the tab to be removed, it still remains.

EDIT: It looks like it is "powered" by Metdallia. It is powered rather too well. Have their QA team or test team (assuming they have either of the two) spent a few too many Christmas lunches down the pub?

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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

Do you have a cookie sweeper running?

The “you have done feed back ‘memory’” is a per device per browser cookie. Clean out the cookies and your machine will forget it’s done feedback in the last 6 months.

EDIT: that is the way it used to work … just did a test on an iPhone … the blue feedback tab is still there. Will take another look tomorrow!

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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

@Townman Unfortunately, I think the 'Feedback' tab is a 'feature that  is permanently there, unless you are using an OS which has an application which allows you to block unwanted elements. Apple (and Android?) don't allow 'third party' apps, and I haven't found anything in the App Store on Apple which will do this on my preferred browser (FF). Whether there is anything for Safari, I don't know.

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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!


Can the product vendors be asked to look at this irritant please.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

I don't normally see that Feedback tab - which must be because I run a DNS-based adblocker on my OpenWrt router.

Out of curiosity I turned the router adblocker off, and started to see the Feedback tab floating by the scrollbar. It does seem annoying. A quick look at the DevTools in the browser using the F12 key, found that if you block the domain "" from loading, the Feedback tab does not appear.


So a quick fix for a windows PC is to add

to the end of the hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts)


It turns out this was already mentioned 2 years ago by @RobPNhere - in the context of a local adblocker browser extension. Using the hosts file means you don't need an adblocker if its only this tab that is bothering you, and it should work for multiple browsers on the same PC.

I agree it would be best if the Feedback tab could just be removed completely by the vendor, or at least remember when it has been dismissed before.

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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

(Too late to edit my own post above)

It is my DNS-adblocker stopping "*" that actually has the side effect of stopping the Feedback tab.

So a hosts entry of

has the same effect - although I suppose the "medallia" one is better as its more specific.

The Full Monty
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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

It is possible for sites to enable a 'dismiss' option for these annoying 'feedback' things. I can't remember the specific ones I have seen it on, as I don't visit them often, but it is possible.

The other option, which I have also seen, is for them to 'auto-hide' after say, 10 seconds.

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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

Nope this one has done no QAT at all.
It didn't on the other sites I've had a misfortune to use either.

Have the likes of @JonoH gone home for Christmas and is there no one else to cover him whilst he is away?

i.e. actually perform any testing on new "features" before they are rolled out?

(Sorry to be personal @JonoH I just don't know who else to mention!).

If it had had any testing then someone would have programmed the good old Feedback tab to say disappear or register that the person has already left feedback and not bother them again?


Just left some Feedback for Medallia:


I wanted to see more of the Feedback tab, but some content got in the way. 
How do I see less content and more of the Feedback tab?



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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

Well something has changed recently. I always use Firefox, and I'm not seeing the feedback tab recently.

But I am seeing it if I try Chrome. 🤔

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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!


You've raised this topic so many times it's beginning to sound a lot like those boring old songs they play in supermarkets at this time of year.

Solutions have been offered in the past and you even accepted one and marked that particular one as a fix.

I've not seen the feedback tab for several years now, using mainly Chrome.

YMMV Your Mileage Obviously Varies.

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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

Any chance of this bug being fixed?

Sorry to bump my own post, but can someone please at least perform some testing on things before they are rolled out?

A developer with some competence would have at least programmed the feedback tab to disappear for a week or a month (or ideally permantently) once Feedback had been left.

Or can someone please remove it from my account to save me moaning about it, then I won't have to leave 'Feedback' saying I want to see more of the Feedback tab (that is a joke by the way).

When the QA and testing team come back from their christmas pub lunches let me know, as they clearly don't appear to be working. Or if they are, then not that well.

I'll have some of what they've been drinking then please.

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Re: Oh No, not another site which has done no testing on the Feedback tab!

Well it did disappear, but now it seems the good old tab doesn't even disappear after I've left 'Feedback' 5 times asking to see more of the Feedback tab.

If a Lithium test team did exist, they must be down the pub with their New Year hangovers. Oh well.