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Problem with the Ranking system?

Resting Legend
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Problem with the Ranking system?

Yesterday 2/6/2016 I received notifications at 21:25 and 21:55 that I had "Ranked up to xxxxxx".  Only bothered to check a few minutes ago - and my rank hasn't changed.

Not fussed about the status, but it's odd to have received the notification and no action?



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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

Not sure how it all works, I have never had a notice, but something keeps it ticking along!

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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

Even stranger I just got n email saying "anonymous" accepted my fix! Still a few teething issues methinks!

Resting Legend
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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

@MauriceC wrote:

Yesterday 2/6/2016 I received notifications at 21:25 and 21:55 that I had "Ranked up to xxxxxx".  Only bothered to check a few minutes ago - and my rank hasn't changed.

I don't know if this applies here, but these reports can be generated if changes are being tried on the scoring system to check effects.

The ghostly behaviour of anonymous is a known feature that is being looked into.


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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

How do you know that this is being looked in to ?

as @LouisaMartin has FAILED to provide a list of what issues are being investigated, and what has been rejected.

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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

I have changed the status back to unfixed, there is no answer yet.


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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav)

Fixed removed at OP's request

Forum Moderator and Customer
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear - Mark Twain
He who feared he would not succeed sat still

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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

Why was the post containing the fix removed ?  Undecided

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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

No posts have been removed, just the fix has been removed but the post remains.

Forum Moderator and Customer
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear - Mark Twain
He who feared he would not succeed sat still

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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

OK, I misunderstood Embarrassed

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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

The strange ranking notices are known, but as you can appreciate pretty low on this list compared to issues like the Rich Text Editor and other related matters. And just to be clear the Rankings are an in house tweakable thing whereas the RTE is Lithium.

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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

@Anonymous no problem

Forum Moderator and Customer
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear - Mark Twain
He who feared he would not succeed sat still

Resting Legend
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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

Once again this thread has been accepted as "Fixed" when clearly it hasn't been.  Message 11 which was given as the "Fix" clearly accepts that it is a known problem but on the 'Low priority' list of things to be addressed.  Ergo - a bug!

I can accept that it is of lower priority than other identified problems, but after 8 weeks of no identifiable progress on those high profile bugs the probability of a fix must be very low.

Many components of the service are now inconsistent, unreliable or sometimes both, such that overall confidence and trust in the new features has been eroded.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Not applicable

Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

@MauriceC - I see no fix here so I assume it has been undone, and if the truth be told quite rightly too, as it's not a fix until it's fixed!


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Re: Problem with the Ranking system?

Yep, it has been unfixed!