hi, @anonymous and all,
well I finally moved in and the switch happened on Friday (delayed as the auto ticket from Plusnet to Openreach didn’t work and was only manually submitted a week later). Shock horror! I connected the router and download speed was 4-6 mbps upload intriguely was the same. We’re the doomsayers of the other providers right after all?
I called Plusnet straight away and they too saw the speed was crazy low. They booked an Openreach engineer who was available the next day. On testing the line he found a faulty connection 180 metres away (evidently our property is 1000 metres away from the cabinet). 0ver two hours later he returned, dirtied from a manhole having found and fixed the break. A test later and 32 mbps! Less than my previous fast fibre 74 but much better than 6!
the engineer found some interference (crosstalk) which he could not resolve (maybe as he was going on holiday) and said that speed could drop off as a result. Another engineer did some work remotely on Monday but Plusnet couldn’t interpret their notes!
Still 33 mbps tonight.