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Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎12-09-2023

Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

My exchange is on the OpenReach (OR) plan to have FTTP "built" (according to the May 24 Full Fibre Broadband Build Program).

City Fibre (CF) have already dug up the road and installed ducting in preparation for rolling out FTTP via ISPs that use CF.

As others have said PlusNet don't use CF, only OR.

I can't seem to find out if OR will be digging up the roads to lay their own FTTP or if I will have to accept that I will (reluctantly) need to change my ISP.


Does anyone know where I can find out if OR will actually (eventually) provide FTTP to my premises?




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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so


Are you currently served by an overhead or underground feed?


OpenReach use their current poles or ducts for the fibre cable.



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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

Does the OR plan say when your exchange is likely to be fibre-enabled? They will not do digging - they will use their own current infrastructure.

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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

@tgd   Openreach will know when they plan to do your property as you know from the plan.

But is you have registered with them, or look on their site if the plan is soon ish the site should at least give you a window. 

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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

@bmc Cable is underground, laid in late 1980s - don’t know if it is in a duct. Wonder what happens if it isn’t?

A quirk of my connection is that while the nearest cabinet is just over 200m away I’m actually connected to one over 1500m away…


@jab1 and @Mustrum - according to the May 2024 Build Plan the exchange build should be complete within the next 12 months.


Thanks for your comments.



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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

@tgd  Did you check and enter your details in the Openreach link I posted?

The reason I asked, my address is not in the May 24 plan, but I had previously registered my interest, and Openreach sent me an email a couple of weeks ago saying I am, well my address is now in their plan. Also the link I supplied is starting to narrow down my build dates.  Give it a check to see if it gives any more detail.

We don't know your surrounding area, but I would be very surprised if you were not connected via some ducting solution. Keep an eye on the BTW DSL checker, when availability is closer it should say how east connectivity it may be.

Either way, sounds like you do not have long to wait.

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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

@Mustrum Sorry, I should have said, yes I have registered and all I get at the moment is that it will be available some time in 2026! Which, given my broadband is so bad at the moment (even DNS requests timeout) seems like long time to have to wait….



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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

@tgd wrote:

My exchange is on the OpenReach (OR) plan to have FTTP "built" (according to the May 24 Full Fibre Broadband Build Program).

City Fibre (CF) have already dug up the road and installed ducting in preparation for rolling out FTTP via ISPs that use CF.

I can't seem to find out if OR will be digging up the roads to lay their own FTTP or if I will have to accept that I will (reluctantly) need to change my ISP.

From talking to Openreach and an Altnet plus doing a bit of on line searching my understanding is:

If there is already an existing duct or poles then OR will allow an Altnet to use them for a rental charge. I don't know but would expect fot it to work the other way around. Either way, if OR decide to come along your road then they will do so under the permitted development rules, be it overground, through an Altnet duct or by digging their own.

If you current copper connection is directly buried and the new connestion is underground then a new duct will be installed from a convenient connection point to the existing infrastructure to your property at no cost to you. This will need you to agree the route and sign a wayleave agreement.


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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

@Baldrick1 The OP's service is already in BT U/G infrastructure, so they will use their own ducts, I suspect.

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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so


Which begs the question why the Altnet has not used them? We know that this is the preserred option. Could it be that they are blocked? Our road was full of blocked ducts, probably due to the installation of gas some years after houses were built. OR have had to dig up getting on for half the pavements to replace sections.

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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

We don't know obviously, but that is a distinct possibility.

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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

@Baldrick1  The Openreach product called PIA (Physical Infrastructure Access) is a one way option,  Altnets can use Openreach ducts and poles for a fee. The reverse does not apply, Openreach cannot use any Altnet infrastructure.

This seems rather unfair on Openreach and can obviously lead to more digging in the street, however it is a ruling from the wonderful OFCOM. 🙄

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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

@jab1 wrote "The OP's service is already in BT U/G infrastructure, so they will use their own ducts, I suspect."

@Baldrick1 wrote "Which begs the question why the Altnet has not used them?"

@RealAleMadrid "The Openreach product called PIA (Physical Infrastructure Access) is a one way option,  Altnets can use Openreach ducts and poles for a fee."


Maybe the fee that Openreach wanted to charge was excessive, (in the view of the AltNet), and the AltNet decided that it was more economic for them to build their own infrastructure?

Although Openreach have to allow access, is the fee that they can charge regulated, (by OFCOM?), or can they charge what they like?



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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so

Although Openreach have to allow access, is the fee that they can charge regulated, (by OFCOM?), or can they charge what they like?

No  idea, and I suspect it is 'commercially sensitive' anyway, so we won't know.

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Re: Do OpenReach dig and lay their own Fibre even if another provider has already done so


CityFibre do use OR ducts - this is the duct serving my house with FTTP with CF engineers installing duct.CF Duct.jpg



If no duct is available to OR they would dig a new trench. Something similar to the following would be installed in the nearest underground cabinet to your property.



End of 2026 is the generic date used for all FTTP build plans. It gets refined once an actual detailed plan is prepared and installation gets under way in a given area. I would check the following on a regular basis.


The first link will tell you the expected speeds you should be receiving now. If this is higher than you currently receive it's worth looking at. When FullFibre becomes available you'll see WBC FTTP in the left hand column. Then look to the right to see what it says. Finally look at the narrative - it'll say something about the FTTP install.

