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Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

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Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

As a Plusnet customer from way back I have a website on Plusnet ccgi webspace. I've got a domain name (registered elsewhere) pointed at my Plusnet site, and I think getting the server to recognise my domain name/subdomains was something that had to be done by Plusnet support, presumably just adding Apache Virtual Hosts or similar.

I'd like to add another name - is it still something I have to ask Support to do, or is there a control panel option somewhere nowadays?


Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

Hi there, I've just checked your account and it looks like you got all the right DNS records set up yesterday afternoon, is that now working as expected for you? 

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

Thanks for checking. The domain's nameserver is elsewhere, I don't think my poking around on the PlusNet namserver had any effect. I've managed to find a thread in here from several years ago in which Bob Pullen explained that it's the CGI platform needs to have (sub)domains added, otherwise it won't know to direct those requests to my webspace.

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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

No worries, AFAIK you'd still need to point the domain to our name servers and have the right DNS records set up with us (even if the domain is hosted elsewhere) and that does seem to be right from what I can see on your account. If you can bear with me I'll do my best to catch up with Bob tomorrow and get back to you. 

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

My existing domain isn't using PlusNet's nameservers but the records are pointing at the PlusNet webserver ( and it's working just fine, including the subdomains Bob added to the webserver. When I add another (sub)domain pointing at the same address the name is resolved correctly but I get error "Not Found [CFN #0005]". I think that's your webserver saying "I  receved a request for an HTTP_HOST that I don't yet know about". Or something like that.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

@Boxersoft - you're right that server needs to be configured with any new domains/sub-domains in order to serve content.

I'd need to double-check but the last time I looked at this, the functionality was all but completely broken following the various Control Panel upgrades that have been carried out over the years.

Assuming that to still be the case, it may need to go the vendor support route which - being completely hones - I'll tell you is a path that probably isn't trodden without an element of risk to your current configuration Wink

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

Thanks Bob. "Vendor Support" doesn't sound like a very attractive prospect. Are most people on a different server setup these days? I haven't done much with this stuff for years so I may be way out of touch with anything that's changed.

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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

@Boxersoft - there's a relatively small number still using the CGI platform and there's been nothing to replace it. It's an outsourced solution though and has been through a number of upgrades/repaints over the years that were largely outside of our control. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, this seems to have somewhat broken the ability for us to import new domains.

I'll take another look when I get a moment as things may have changed.

I'm also happy to try going the support route if needs be, but it comes with the caveat that in trying to 'fix' things, I can't rule out the supplier making things worse (albeit likely temporary should such a thing happen).

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

OK, thanks. There's nothing critical on my site, it wouldn't be disastrous if it went down temporarily. I do find it very useful though and I understand it's a "grandfathered" benefit not available to new accounts, so so I wouldn't want to do anything that risked losing it.

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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

Have you had a chance to look at theis yet @bobpullen ?

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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

Can you drop me a private message outlining what exactly you're wanting to set-up, subdomain names, where they should be pointed etc. and I'll try and pick up this week.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website


For the sake of closure, we've managed to resolve this one over PM.

There seems to be a permissions issue associating new domains with CGI web-hosting accounts that I'm working with our hosting partner to try and resolve.

In the meantime, a fix has been applied to the OP's account that seems to be working.

@Boxersoft - give me a nudge if you need anything else.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Registered: ‎25-07-2009

Re: Pointing an external domain name at Plusnet CCGI website

Thanks Bob!