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Query re Providing a Service to a New Property

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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

£2k excess seems excessive for FTTP.

Given that the area is not a FTTP roll out area (yet) is there the possibility of confusion with FTTP ON DEMAND which is an entirely different product and very expensive?

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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

Could it be that the builder has asked the wrong question and/or confused Openreach? Is there a breakdown of the quote that might throw some light on just what Openreach are offering, so that alternatives can be considered?

On the assumption the SOGEA is available, if it's an underground connection is it not just a need for the builder to install a D56 duct  in accordance with Openreach guidance ( to the new building. If it's overhead it might be different and require an additional pole.

With a bit of extra effort, when the building is complete maybe then @zeichen  can simply request a new connection? Surely there would then be no charge?


OP name changed, thanks @bmc 

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Re: FTTC and VOIP.


This thread perhaps should be split from post #11 onwards. It's @zeichen who's now asking.


It's a new build at the bottom of their garden. They live to the south of a village but apparently "There is an existing telephone pole opposite the site entrance which could be used to send a line to the ridge of the proposed bungalow" so it's an overhead connection.


It's possible the builder asked the wrong question. It's not as simple as waiting until the build is complete. The account holder is disabled and the bungalow is specifically equiped for this so I suspect it will be occupied asap on completion. Also, there is no mobile signal to speak of.



From post #11 I got the price wrong - it's £2,500. OR did start an FTTP install in the area but it's on pause due to difficulties encountered.



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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

Moderator's note:
Thread split off to it's own topic.

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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

I checked the address which is registered with the Post Office, but not live as Council Tax becomes payable when you confirm completion and residential date.  the answer came up - We cannot determine broadband availability at this location. This may be a new address to which connectivity is not yet complete.


The whole problem keeps returning to no way to reach Open Reach!  No telephone no, email etc. just a form which was completed and return over past couple weeks by Builder and myself, no reply on any enquiry.  If you cannot ask anyone, there is no way of finding out what can be done.

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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

For present property - ADSL, ADSL2+ and SOADSL availability: If shown at FTTP or SOGEA premises,ADSL, ADSL2+ and SOADSL are not available to order due to WLR Withdrawal stop sell rules. CPs should order FTTP or SOGEA. Copper products are only available by exception.  For new property, new registered property but nothing else

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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

The reply for the new build which appears on the PO list for the pcode -

We cannot determine broadband availability at this location. This may be a new address to which connectivity is not yet complete.

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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

Speaking to someone in the village they said that the quote [£2216 plus VAT] would be for a cable running from fibre in the village cabinet down to our house.  The builder didnt ask the wrong question, he registered with Openreach, and they gave only the fibre connectivity, with the quote and a form to complete - with only fibre listed and told to register as it will take up to 3 months.  As we hoped to move in February he returned the form but asking for cabinet instead and asking for quote.  No reply, no acknowledgment, they are just ignoring him and he doesnt know what to do as completing an enquiry form was also ignored.

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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

Every property has it's own UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) link to search 

You could used what three words for an exact location of where you are referring to 

Here is an example 

The issues are much in line of what I had prior to my new build move


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Re: FTTC and VOIP.


Looks like you need to Google the CEO of OpenReach and drop him an e-mail asking if this is really how they treat vunerable people.


Contacting your local MP should also be tried.



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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

As far as I can work this out. If I wait until approx completion date in February, plusnet will transfer FTTC but not phone.  No phone, no cell phone, transfer will take approx week, no internet, no TV [Sky].  Should I transfer beforehand to Zen, will they take the phone as well and do whatever to make it a digital landline as BT customers in the village confirm they have already done?  Then, on completion and moving in, ask Zen to transfer to new build, which will have been registered with Council & confirmed with PO?  Will Zen be able to do this, even though OpenReach havent been asked after they ignored request for FTTC?  I am sorry to sound stupid, but my head is ringing with all of this and my builder only says that he has a satellite connection, which isnt very good!!  Another "well informed" friends, says accept Fibre - he isnt paying the £2,500!!  If we had a poor speed, I might be tempted, but as we are more than happy with our 80mbps, it seems yet another expense.  However, after all of this, what I would like is to set up a new internet connection so that the day or day after we move, we can connect and get TV and preferably have a digital landline, transferring our present no over asap afterwards.  At least with wifi, I can use my mobile to make any emergency phone calls until the landline is working.  What is the easiest way of doing this please?

Instructions for dummies would be appreciated!!  Yes I could contact our local MP but not holding out that he would even do anything [at least he isnt brawling in the street!!!!]

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Re: FTTC and VOIP.


With regards to an earlier post with FTTC (WBC SOGEA) a fibre optic cable is run from the your Exchange to the Cabinet and then uses the "last mile" of copper for the connection. With Full Fibre the cable is run from a main Exchange all the way to your property. It goes nowhere near either your local Exchange or the Cabinet. in 20 odds years time OR hope to have closed about 4,000 Exchanges.


The quote you recieved will be for connecting the Fibre cable to the main fibre optic network (where ever that might be).


With regards to your last lost as I understand it you can't get a line installed until the house is registered as habitable with the Council and the PO. This means you can't arrange a transfer of your account until this point and then you're at the mercy of OR for the new line install that will be required. This could be a week, two weeks or longer depending on how busy they are. Given you're speaking of Feb / Mar time if a major storm hits your area just before your line install the engineers will be diverted to fixing storm damage and your install possibly delayed.


You really need the line installed before you move in.


It would be bad publicity for your local MP if he doesn't try to help a vunerable person get a SOGEA line installed. A lot of people are unhappy with the PSTN switchoff anyway.



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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

Oh dear, I am getting so many conflicting recommendations here. I have been told that the fibre will run from the cabinet & only take 2 days at the most to install & builder will duct into house.  Then I find that fibre isnt installed in the village &no plans to convert our local exchange - so will come from where ever as no one seems to know where it is and how long it would take.

Our builder didnt receive anything other than the cost of the fibre connection, form to complete giving 3 months notice and if, as the cap is £2,000 and this will be over £2,600 and we do not want it, told to check with Buildings Regulations.  Worded more like a threat! Nothing else.  The form he had to complete - yellow marked, had full fibre, which could not be changed, no edit allowed on that.  He wrote back asking for FTTC marked on form on 16th October & has since heard nothing.

Today, I partially took your advice in that I wrote to the email address where the form had to be returned to, told them about vulnerability, no mobile signal etc. and asked for immediate reply and help regarding what could be supplied, other than fibre.

I will give them a week to answer otherwise it seems the MP it will be

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Re: FTTC and VOIP.


You may have seen the other thread that I tagged you on.


I've asked a member of staff if there's anything he can do.


Also, the poster on that thread (two years to try and get the OR database corrected) e-mailed the OR CEO late on the Friday and got a phone call on the Monday.



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Re: FTTC and VOIP.

That sounds better than contacting my MP who I have never heard of, we didnt even get circulars or anyone in the village trying to get his vote, so dont hold out much hope.  The Open Reach CEO sounds good.  Hopefully, if I hang on till next week I can contact him and get somewhere if my email yesterday gets no response.  I have looked up his email and on Monday will send details to him and cross my fingers.

I would like to thank everyone for their help and for explaining all of this, which is very technical for dummies!!  I consider myself a bit above a novice using a computer, but not the other side of the internet, wi-fi excuse being age, but I know there are many 80 year olds who build their own computers!  Obviously with no signal, we tend to only use the landline, our mobiles are for emergencies & receiving text codes ,so using one regularly will be a learning curve!

It looks as though, with all of your help and advice we are at least getting somewhere and now I know what we will need for the new build.  Thanks again.