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Static IP address activation

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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: Static IP address activation

Whats weird about that though is they are meant to be 600mbps arent they, AV600 - clue in the name>?

I do not disagree but the ones I bought were supplied with a cat 5 cable (2 pair wires), the specification does say 

1*10/100Mbps Ethernet Port on the TP-Link site, Amazon just indicate 1*Fast Port. The RJ45 port on mine are 10/100 specification. I would image the 600mbps is an up to between the actual power adapters, 

Still they provide the speed I need them for so not a problem.


Posts: 19
Registered: ‎27-03-2024

Re: Static IP address activation

thanks, yes running a cable is defintiely a good idea, didnt think of that and its a tricky route but i might do it.

watching videos about the wpa4220 ive just noticed it has a wifi clone button, I might have to have to check that because its running alongside two tplink range extenders so I dont want them to clash.

Maybe now im just getting to the point to be able to assign static ip addresses to all the plugs .1, .2, .3 or whatever and run a cable direct for myself.

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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: Static IP address activation

The wifi clone button is another name for WPS, so it will only pair with a wifi access point where WPS as been initialising.

You can buy flat UTP cable which helpful for running under carpets, it only needs to be cat5e or cat6, cat7 or above is a waste of money for speeds up to 1gbps



Posts: 19
Registered: ‎27-03-2024

Re: Static IP address activation

Thanks to MisterW for this: (and every1else)

"The default router DHCP range is .64 to .253 so any devices that are set with static IP's should not use that range , they MUST be in the ..1 to .63 range. If you need a device to retain the same IP all the time , then use the 'always use this IP' setting in the router, which causes the router to always allocate the same IP (via DHCP). "

I can see his wpa4220 now has .200 so that doesnt fit with the above.

Im gonna set it to .60 now and see from there.

Posts: 19
Registered: ‎27-03-2024

Re: Static IP address activation

Ive done that, changed it to .60 

In terms of what was said about obtain this ip address automitcially checkbox, there is nothing like that on the software i was using. 

See how it goes

Posts: 3,386
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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: Static IP address activation

You might find the Hub two does not list devices that it has not allocated IP Addresses to, my suggestion would be assign the WPA4220 an IP Address in the DHCP pool range, the Hub will not allocate another device to that IP as it recognises it has a Static IP Address, you need to make sure the IP you select is free

Screenshot 2024-04-21 163932.png

I have changed my network to DHCP pool is .64 to .253


Posts: 19
Registered: ‎27-03-2024

Re: Static IP address activation

it now seems that one of the range extenders has a static ip and the .60 I cant even find it. I can see it as a wired connection as .107


seems like nothing has been solved. Makes no sense yet.

Posts: 19
Registered: ‎27-03-2024

Re: Static IP address activation

right so i need to set a static ip in the dhcp range Smiley ok..

Posts: 3,386
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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: Static IP address activation

You'll find this useful, it scans your network for active IP Address 

This is my IP settings

Screenshot 2024-04-21 165147.png

The Hub Two will show it as my previous post.

You will be using 192.168.1.n IP Addresses with the Hub using

Edit: once you have the IP setup you can use a browser to manage it 

Posts: 19
Registered: ‎27-03-2024

Re: Static IP address activation

ok thanks ill look into it, ive just remembered i switched off authorative dhcp in the plusnet admin to try and let whatever was wanting to control the ip addresses do it, so I'll switch that back on now and reboot the plusnet hub two.

Posts: 19
Registered: ‎27-03-2024

Re: Static IP address activation

on the back of the router there is a port that says "broadband" and there is a port on the other side that says "wan" in red. We have it coming from the little BT fibre box into the WAN port. Is that right>?

Posts: 3,386
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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: Static IP address activation

on the back of the router there is a port that says "broadband" and there is a port on the other side that says "wan" in red. We have it coming from the little BT fibre box into the WAN port. Is that right>?

If it's an Fibre ONT then yes


Posts: 19
Registered: ‎27-03-2024

Re: Static IP address activation

I flashed the firmware to 1.2 standard again with the intention of just manualy setting the ip address. I dont know if it peed him off and he then unplugged it but since I sent a reset command to it after flashing the firwmare it dissapeared, so perhaps he unplugged it.

One of the issues, perhaps, is that the v1.2 wpa4220 plug he has didnt come in a set with the standard tl-pa4010 non wifi plugs, that are v3. I dont know if they are compatible or if thats not the problem at all, difficult to say.

Too many plugs of different types around the place that much is true, so for me I will run a cable. I paid £40 for a round cat6 50m and then that will take that out the mix for me at least.

For the wpa4220, someone above posted a picture of it in their list on the hub two, i havent had the same experience, I dont know if it was because of the name that it generated r what but I have not had much luck finding that device in the list at all, certainly not matching the right mac and the ip adress I tried to assign to it.

The user area of the hub two is a bit confusing I think it could be improved. Theres a bit where you have to enable advanced settings to be able to do things which is kind of pointless, those settings should just be there to use really. The fact that we have had so many issues and that still its not clear why its been happening or that I can clearly see the devices to be able to make changes to them, I think Ill ask the landlord to put a new router in too.