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Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

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Registered: ‎11-03-2016

Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

Hi all,


I've been waiting for FTTP to come to my cabinet, so registered an interest. Then a couple of months ago I got an email saying it's now available, and to order it via my ISP.

If I go on the Openreach checker, it says available (See first attachment).

If I go to the BT Wholesale checker (see second attachment) I'm not sure what that's telling me? (though


I did formerly raise a ticket with Openreach, but their response was basically "I've checked and it is available, so the issue is with your ISP,", I raised a ticket with Plusnet support but they just keep parking it for days at a time.

Anyone know what's going on? Is the public database wrong? Is it at the cabinet but I can't get it for some reason?


Edit: I just did the wholesale check on a friends address who gets FTTP and it does show WBC FTTP as a product.


TLDR; Is full fibre at my cabinet, or exchange even? Any way to check if/when it's arriving?


Any help or pointers appreciated!

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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?


It may just be the Checker database hasn't updated yet.


Or if could be there's an error in the database which means it isn't showing WBC FTTP as available.


PlusNet's top offering is Full Fibre 900.




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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?


I should also have said Full Fibre doesn't go anywhere near your Cabinet or Exchange. It runs all the way to a main Exchange.


In a victory for the marketing people over common sense FTTC is known as Fibre and FTTP is Full Fibre even though FTTC uses copper for the last leg.



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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

@bmc wrote:



In a victory for the marketing people over common sense FTTC is known as Fibre and FTTP is Full Fibre even though FTTC uses copper for the last leg.



Which is why, as I have said many, many times, why do they not stick to the easy to understand terms you reference above?

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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

Thanks for the reply.


So if I'm reading it right, neither my Street Cabinet nor Local Exchange is enabled for Ultrafast (FTTP or G.Fast?) Fibre?

But it is enabled for slower (VDSL) fibre?


So they've incorrectly updated their database to say it's available when it's not. Is there any way to check when the exchange is due for an upgrade?

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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

The cabs/exchanges are not enabled. Do you have underground or overhead feed?

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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?


Once PTSN shuts down and more Full Fibre is installed OpenReach will be looking to close around 4,000 small Exchanges over time with only around 1,000 Main Exchanges left to service FTTP.


They may well be able to start removing some of the FTTC street cabinets in due course.


As asked, are you currently served by an Overhead or Underground feed. If O/H is there something like the following attached to the pole.


This one is for an underground chamber (serving my house).


Also, use the address version of the Checker to look at your neighbours and see what's offered.



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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

@Papa704 wrote:


So they've incorrectly updated their database to say it's available when it's not. Is there any way to check when the exchange is due for an upgrade?

@Papa704  Openreach are just a bit ahead of the game, they have laid the fibre, but the connection to the main exchange interconnect has not been completed. Hence BTW or the ISP's showing it as being available. Just keep an eye on the BTW checker, once they have done their bit you should then be able to place an order.

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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

@bmc wrote:


In a victory for the marketing people over common sense FTTC is known as Fibre and FTTP is Full Fibre even though FTTC uses copper for the last leg.

What I find more irritating is Openreach et al describing FFTP as Full Fibre Broadband.

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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

Thanks all,

I'm on an overground feed via telegraph poles, annoyingly in this area is a cowboy outfit called XI broadband I think, putting their own set of telegraph poles up with a wireless thing on the top. Some of the streets round here look like downtown Bangkok.


I asked and it dredged up some PDF's about Stop Sell, and also a spreadsheet detailing all the exchange mappings, it looks like Cleveleys will be a Parent Exchange.

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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?


I'll read your links later.


The question still remains - do you have a unit attached to the pole serving your house. I call them Distribution Points but there is another name I forget.



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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

There does seem to be some black units that look like your picture on the top of the BT poles yes. Does that mean they've connected fibre from the cabinet to each pole?

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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

That might mean that FTTP will be available soon.

Full Fibre does not connect to the local street cabinets.

FTTC (VDSL / SOGEA) is copper between the cabinet and the property.

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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?


If you can post a picture we should be able to confirm it's a DP (or CBT - Customer Block Terminal). If it is, then FTTP is definitely on it's way to your property.


It does appear it's a timing difference between the OR database and the Checker. Or if could be that there is still work required further up the network before the circuit becomes live.


Keep looking at the Checker on a regular basis.


I assume you're aware that you lose your landline when you move to FTTP.



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Re: Openreach says 1600Mbit FTTP available, Plusnet (and EE, vodafone) only offer normal fibre?

I'll try to get a picture tomorrow or when the weather picks up. (Looks out of window and it's practically dark at 1511).  😀

Yes I'd stopped paying BT for renting the copper, now I just pay Plusnet for Broadband.