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What is Plusnet (as a CP) doing to fully comply with Ofocm General Condition C6?

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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

What is Plusnet (as a CP) doing to fully comply with Ofocm General Condition C6?

Ofcom general condition C6 relates to Calling Line Identification (CLI) presentation data.  It requires...

To assist with the identification of callers and reduce the incidence of nuisance calls, all communications providers should ensure that any telephone number associated with a call at the network level and/or presented to a call recipient is a valid, diallable number which enables the calling party to be identified, so that the call recipient can make a return call to that person. See

Yet again I have received a suspicious call from a party presenting the CLI presentation number 0161 818 7595 - which on dialling is reported as an invalid number (which cannot be dialled).

In respect of invalid CLI, GC 6.6 states...

C6.6 Where technically feasible, Regulated Providers must:
(a) take all reasonable steps to identify calls, other than calls to Emergency Organisations, in relation to which invalid or non-diallable CLI Data is provided; and
(b) prevent those calls from being connected to the called party, where such calls are identified.



  1. What in general is Plusnet doing as a CP to comply this specific regulatory requirement?
  2. What steps are Plusnet taking with their suppliers to force compliance with this regulatory requirement?
  3. What inspection of the presented CLI is undertaken by the network to verify that the presented CLI is a valid, dialable number as required by this GC?
  4. Where such required inspection identifies that the presented CLI is invalid, what measures are in place to prevent such calls being connected to the called party as expressly required by this GC?

If the service is deemed compliant with GC6 why do we still receive calls from spoofed CLIs which cannot be dialled.

@SeanD - is this one for the product owner / regulatory compliance team?


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