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Leaving Plusnet....

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎28-10-2021

Leaving Plusnet....

My contract ends 27 April and I've arranged to go with a different ISP.  Do I have to give Plusnet any notification that I'm leaving or will they contact me nearer the time?  I dont think my new ISP will be contacting Plusnet.  Also, my contract ends on 27 April which is the same day I am having the new provider install my new internet connection - does this mean I'll be liable for any early termination fee?


Thanks for reading 😊

The Full Monty
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Re: Leaving Plusnet....

Unless you are going to the new provider for a Full fibre connection, and currently are on an ADSL/FTTC connection with PN, there is no need to tell PN - all that is handled by the Gaining Provider.

If your contract ends on the day of transfer, there are no ETC's involved, in fact you may be due a refund, as you pay a month in advance for your Broadband.

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Re: Leaving Plusnet....

Moderators Note

This topic has been moved from Broadband to  My Account/Billing 

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Posts: 8
Registered: ‎28-10-2021

Re: Leaving Plusnet....

Thanks John. I am actually leaving PN and getting full fibre - I guess therefore I will need to advise PN accordingly
The Full Monty
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Re: Leaving Plusnet....


Correct - as the new supplier will not be following the gaining Provider Led procedure for FTTC transfers.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Leaving Plusnet....

Just worth noting a couple of things.

If you’re wanting to port your landline number to your new provider, then their number port should automatically trigger the cancellation at our side, so you shouldn’t have to contact us to cancel in this case. 

Additionally, even if your number’s not being ported and you’re moving to full fibre, the new provider’s transfer order may still trigger a cancellation at our side, depending on the type of order they place.

If they place an order which cancels the service we’re providing you then we’d send you an email along the lines of “sorry you’re leaving”.

It might be worth checking with them too.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎28-10-2021

Re: Leaving Plusnet....

Thanks very much for the info John, much appreciated 😊😊
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎28-10-2021

Re: Leaving Plusnet....

Thank you very much for this info Gandalf. Very much appreciated 😊