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So, this billing thing, it's just temporary, right?

Rising Star
Posts: 61
Thanks: 9
Fixes: 2
Registered: ‎27-08-2019

So, this billing thing, it's just temporary, right?

Bill up from £23.95 to £27.60 this month on my Fibre that I just moved to 5 months ago.

That's £3.65 extra. Cost of living crisis. Inflation due to 2 years of Covid. War on the eastern front. Sure. Fine.


Line rental is up £1.27, Fibre is up £1.34.

That makes £2.61 extra.


So whence doth cometh the other £1.04?

No calls made. We're all on Skype/Zoom/Whatsapp these days.


Perhaps my calculator is broken and I need to call the manufacturer.

Posts: 252
Thanks: 79
Fixes: 15
Registered: ‎20-04-2016

Re: So, this billing thing, it's just temporary, right?

There are other threads on this. Essentially it's due to you being billed in advance. PlusNet have billed you this month for the additional costs from 31st March that your advance payment didn't cover.

Things aren't helped by the appalling way bills are presented I am afraid.
Rising Star
Posts: 61
Thanks: 9
Fixes: 2
Registered: ‎27-08-2019

Re: So, this billing thing, it's just temporary, right?

Thanks for your reply/fix.


I'm just throwing my 50p in to the fruit machine of dismay. We're all getting shafted. And they're all shafting us.

I just found out the price of 227g of ground Italian coffee shot up from £1.09 to £1.45 in Lidl.

Soon it'll probably be cheaper to do street crack.


You have a great weekend!