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Unauthorised broadband transfer

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Registered: ‎17-08-2020

Unauthorised broadband transfer

Today I received an email, purportedly from Plusnet Support, with the subject line "Leaving Plusnet - what you need to know":



Important information about your service

We're sorry to hear you're leaving us
Here's what you need to know

Hello ----,

Account username: ----

Phone number affected: ----

We're sorry to hear you're leaving us.

Another service provider has told us that you want to move your broadband away from Plusnet.

Your broadband service is scheduled to transfer automatically on 2nd September 2020 and will result in the cancellation of your Plusnet account. This means that on this date, your services will be taken over by your new provider and you won't need to contact us to cancel your service with us.

If something isn't right and you would like to speak to someone about your account, please call us for free on 0800 073 3057 from a landline or mobile.

Before you leave Plusnet

Before your broadband service moves there are some things you need to know.

Your broadband service

Moving your broadband service means our support team will no longer be able to help if something goes wrong with your connection. You will also lose the following services if you have them enabled as part of your broadband package

Your Static IP
Any Plusnet domains you have
Plusnet Protect

Information about other Services

Because you're cancelling your Plusnet account, the following services and features will be affected:

Plusnet Mobile plan - No changes will be made to your Mobile Data Boost allowance if you choose to cancel your broadband or home service.
Your Plusnet Webmail account can be kept upon your request. To find out more visit here

When you leave Plusnet

You'll receive a cancellation bill with the charges you need to pay.

Because you're moving your broadband before the end of your minimum term, you will be subject to early termination charges. These have been calculated at £13.95. You can find out more information about this in our Price Guide.

Your cancellation bill

Your cancellation bill will include:

The charge to cancel your services, if applicable
A final charge to cover your services for the period between your previous bill and the transfer date, if applicable
Any applicable charges for broadband usage in the period between your previous bill and the transfer date

We'll use the details stored on your account to take the payment. If you pay by Direct Debit please don't worry about cancelling it, we'll take care of it once all your charges have been paid.

Any questions?

We've got a team of Plusnet advisors to answer any questions you have about leaving. Call us for free on 0800 073 3057 from a landline or mobile, between 8am-8pm Monday-Friday or 9am-7pm on Saturdays and 9am-6pm on Sundays.

We'd like to thank you for using Plusnet and we're really sorry to lose you.

Best wishes,

Paul Coulton
Customer Operations Director



This was news to me.


How do I stop the unauthorised broadband transfer?

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Re: Unauthorised broadband transfer


Have you rung the number quoted in the email?

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Re: Unauthorised broadband transfer

This has happened to me. For an energy company.

Two people cold called me at my front door, so I answered. Annoyed me as I was a bit tired that morning (and hungover I think, probably more accurate that one 😉), I didn't agree to or even sign anything.

Next thing I know I am getting calls and letters from EDF (my current supplier) saying "Sorry to hear you're leaving". These people (I'd better not say something nasty and test the swear filter), had scammed me and decided to move me without my consent. A company called Bulb.

I complained and got that stopped, they rung me and asked why to which I said the same thing and moaned. The even said they reckon I used £88 per month energy. Unless their prices are sky high, as Freddie Mercury once said "Living On My Own. Eee oh yeah, eee oh yeah, I don't have no time for no money business".

What with the weather being the way it is, I have used no gas as my Central Heating has not been used. I don't fancy living in a sauna. I use hardly any lighting, and just my Mac. Used my PC the other day, to burn my 12Gb photo collection onto Blu Ray. Good of my sysadmin friend to recommend free software for burning Blu Rays, which is a walk in the park to use and works well.

Yes but all I can say is these people will take advantage if you let them, and all I did was answer the door. Didn't give them any details or sign anything. This happens.

It is going to make be more cautious of people in life (not that I needed another reason). Had I wish I had been out or used lots of swears (think of a more sweary version of "Go away, please leave", and you're pretty much there).

Sounds like it is doing the rounds with broadband transfers now too. I would inform PlusNet this transfer that they instigated was not authorised by yourself ASAP.

Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎17-08-2020

Re: Unauthorised broadband transfer

Yes I did. The person I talked to could not find any indication of a pending broadband transfer, and suggested that I forget about it.

Afterwards I Googled the number and could not find any authoritative connection to Plusnet. So I started to doubt that the email was even genuine.

However my online Account Summary does list a "Cessation charge" whose status is "Activated", but without further explanation. And I received an unexpected text from BT Consumer Customer Care at about the same time as the email. So I do believe something is going on. I'll try Plusnet customer support tomorrow and see if I can get any further.

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Registered: ‎17-08-2020

Re: Unauthorised broadband transfer

Yes, I will attempt to inform Plusnet ASAP.

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Re: Unauthorised broadband transfer

Yep @unix 

A member of staff may read your thread here, but best to raise it officially so it doesn't get missed.

You can always send them a URL to this thread so they know.

These people really annoy me, (yep again, I am still trying not to use a more sweary version of that - sorry). It will be good to let them know through an official support channel.

Good job you noticed, and I suspect they'll try it on with other people who might not.

Not nice people (again trying not to swear here!). I am doing well so far, I think 😁

Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎17-08-2020

Re: Unauthorised broadband transfer

I spoke to Plusnet Customer Support and they conceded that the email was sent in error. Somehow it had been triggered by my recent broadband upgrade and accompanying order for home phone.

The sentences:

"Another service provider has told us that you want to move your broadband away from Plusnet."


"Your broadband service is scheduled to transfer automatically on 2nd September 2020 and will result in the cancellation of your Plusnet account."

were not true.