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Archer VR600 or Plusnet Router

Posts: 22
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Registered: ‎04-02-2018

Archer VR600 or Plusnet Router

I will soon be joining Plusnet from BT and for many years I have used an Archer VR600.Should I stick with it or change to the one Plusnet supplies.My line will only support up to 29mg and thats what I get with my present router.I imagine the Plusnet one would also do the same but would it give me better wifi coverage?






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Registered: ‎06-04-2021

Re: Archer VR600 or Plusnet Router

When I had FTTC (VDSL) I used a TP-Link vr600 for a while.  I was very disappointed with the VDSL modem and continually had problems with SNR and low broadband "speeds"

I swapped it for a BT smarthub2 (basically the same as the Plusnet Hub2), the modem sync'ed much better to the Cabinet and was much more reliable.  The WiFi was not any different (neither better nor worse.)   There are signal strength restrictions on the router WiFi which generally mean they are all very similar in performance.

Location/placement of the router makes the biggest difference to WiFi signal strength, there used to be some guidance on here somewhere on locating the router for best performance - eg. higher up, centrally located and away from TV, Microwave and anything that may interfere with the signal.  If that doesn't work or is not practical you could try WiFi Access Points or a Mesh system

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Registered: ‎06-04-2021

Re: Archer VR600 or Plusnet Router

FYI ... here's a link to some info about getting the best from your routers WiFi: Best WiFi

and the other thing that might be a consideration with the Hub2 is that you can't split the 5ghz and 2.4ghz bands like you can on a lot of other routers