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New Customer : Is Plusnet Router Compulsory or a Delete Option when Signing Up ?

Posts: 15
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Registered: ‎24-11-2015

New Customer : Is Plusnet Router Compulsory or a Delete Option when Signing Up ?

I'm actually a returning customer. Previously I was on basic Plusnet Broadband, then went fibre with Shell.

The router/modem they suppled was a Technovision, and it would take minutes to recognise my printer when I needed to use it.

I bought a BT modem, and a s/h Apple router of about 10 years old. A delight to use, as well as looking good. Recognises my printer in about 5 seconds. 


I'd like to keep this router and modem configuration, so am asking if, when signing up to Plusnet, I can say no thank you to the Plusnet supplied modem, or do I  have no choice other than to receive the Plusnet device ?

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Re: New Customer : Is Plusnet Router Compulsory or a Delete Option when Signing Up ?



 You can certainly say that you don’t want it, send it back for free or keep it as a spare to be used if you have a problem. 
Ring the Customer Options Team on 0800 013 2632 and discuss it with them.

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Registered: ‎28-02-2017

Re: New Customer : Is Plusnet Router Compulsory or a Delete Option when Signing Up ?


PlusNet have always been happy for customers to use their own equipment.


If required, settings can be found in the Help pages.



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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: New Customer : Is Plusnet Router Compulsory or a Delete Option when Signing Up ?


a suggestion would be to accept the offer of a Hub Two and use it in bridge mode (as a modem) to replace the rather old Openreach modem.
