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New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

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Registered: ‎28-06-2007

Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

Hi @jab1 

There is a disconnection around 12.00 noon today this was when I removed all my phone equipment including filter.

Speed when transferred over Wednesday evening was 50 Mbps d/l 21 Mbps u/l did not check yesterday and only checked today to see what speed was showing on the router.

The Full Monty
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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

Something went wrong around 1945 on the 17th - your connection, up and down plummeted when it returned, but I don't know why - your noise margin is unaffected, which is strange.

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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

Hi @jab1 

I had been informed by PN that my Phone would cease on the 17th and it was around 17.45 that I noticed a line cord error and the phone was dead but nothing at 19.45

Still not heard anything from PN


The Full Monty
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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

I was just going to say, @mort7890 that one thing that has occurred to me is that for some reason, you could - wrongly - have been put on a 40/10 profile when they did the SoGEA switch - the connection speeds before and after would tally in that case.

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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

Not really, if the line was capable of 50Mb , then it would sync at 40 on a 40/10 profile  not 28!

Looks like the phone line was actually physically disconnected (didnt think they did that!) and in the process something was disturbed in the cabinet


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The Full Monty
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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

Didn't think of that angle, but you are correct, @MisterW  - maybe OR need to check. Although the fact the U/S rate has also dropped massively...

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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

If they've physically disconnected the phone line, it must have been the E-side at the PCP. Problem is the line is jumpered to the FTTC cabinet at the same point. That must be left in place but if it's been disturbed...

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Registered: ‎28-06-2007

Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

Hi @jab1 

Really now at a loss, prior to my switch the speed was consistantly 50 - 55 Mbps  d/l and 20 Mbps u/l and PN have guaranteed over 40 Mbps (44 -50 Mbps) line speed.

I did say that when my line was ceased I noticed this as my phone illuminated stating line cord error, I would like to point out that for the last 10 years I have reported to PN that at around 22,00  most evenings the phone would light up and indicate a line cord error for approx 45 seconds not PN testing and no record of BT testing. This would indicate to me that perhaps some type of fault was on the line and now it has been ceased then it has fully shown up, however I have moved premises 45 years at the previous address and 3.5 years at my new address and phone number taken with me with the same problem occuring every evening, perhaps a link somewhere that needs investigating.

However if you think I have been reverted to 40/10 then why are my speeds 28/6 and why has PN guaranteed 44-50.

Still awaiting response from PN

FYI when I go to BTW Speedtest either through the internet or through the PN fault test (test nmy speed) I get the following pageBT.jpg

The Full Monty
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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

To rectify the error shown, do Shift+F5.

I don't know the answer to the 'line-cord error' message - you need someone with much more telephony knowledge than I have for that.

As to the speed issue, see the 'conversation' between me and @MisterW , the easiest way to rectify that is to request that PN get BT/OR out to check the connection.

Posts: 598
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Registered: ‎28-06-2007

Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

Hi @jab1 

Shift + f5 no difference, tried that numerous times. Telephony now gone but only wondered if that was a possible link.

Contacted PN 10.46 am as follows and still no response

10:46am, Friday 19 Jan 2024
Since changing my account my speed dropped so I thought I would check the router so why has my uptime only been since around 05.11 this morning, according to the router tech log. Also how can my speed be guaranteed at 40+Mbps when the router shows only 28Mbps. Prior to changing to SoGEA my speed was always within 40 -50 Mbps so removing my telephone has reduced my speed, explanation please.
Posts: 598
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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

Hi  @MisterW 

How do you get that checked please.

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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

Raise a fault with Plusnet  if you haven't already

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

The Full Monty
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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

OK re the speed test BT thing - I never use it anyway, as my phone is now via my router, but it is possible that is the reason - I'll see what happens if I try, later.

The possible reason for your low speeds is in the 'conversation' I mentioned above, and the only way to solve that is to get Openreach to check the connections in the cabinet.

The Full Monty
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Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

@mort7890 Can't explain the speed-tester issue, it works fine for me.

Posts: 598
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Registered: ‎28-06-2007

Re: New to fibre settings for TP-Link ac 1200

Hi @jab1 


Will a router restart or better still switch off, leave for 10 mins for the crud to remove then restart help. Also I did a bufferbloat gone from F to D but still rubbish
