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What speed can I expect from a 5Ghz WiFi extender?

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎17-09-2010

What speed can I expect from a 5Ghz WiFi extender?

I have the Plusnet Hub One, and when using my VR headset wirelessly, I get 860Mbs in the same room as the router, which allows me to play my SteamVR games wirelessly. It's fine, but another nearby room would give me just a bit more elbow room.


But if I try to play the same games in the other room (only 20 ft away but one thick wall in between), my 2.4Ghz Extenders are not up to the job, giving only 100Mbs. If I were to buy a 5Ghz extender, am I likely to get anywhere near the 800+Mbs, or will that distance plus the wall kill the 5Ghz strength too much?

Thanks for any opinions


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Re: What speed can I expect from a 5Ghz WiFi extender?

@kmw350 wrote:

Thanks for any opinions

Amazon as an example have an excellent returns policy, so suck it and see.

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Rising Star
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Re: What speed can I expect from a 5Ghz WiFi extender?

Yes you're right Baldrick. While you're here, can you tell me, if I go for a Mesh Wifi system, something like the TP-Link Deco 9, do I have to disable the Wifi on the Hub One when I plug the first unit into it?


Many thanks

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Re: What speed can I expect from a 5Ghz WiFi extender?


You don't have to disabIe the Hub's WiFi if you have a mesh network, but you could create problems if you don't:


If you are lucky, then your new mesh network will set itself up on different 2.4 and 5GHz channels to your Hub, and you will effectively have two different networks running. You might not notice a problem, but you could be adding to the WiFi channel congestion locally to you and cause your neighbours problems.

If you are unlucky, and your mesh network sets up on the same channels as your Hub, then the two networks could interfere with each other, and cause yourself problems - at least close to the Hub.


Best to disable the Hub's WiFi completely. There is a new switch added in a recent software update to the Hub2's GUI that completely turns off all WiFi - it didn't used to do that!





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Re: What speed can I expect from a 5Ghz WiFi extender?


Any chance of running ethernet cable and then plug in a WiFi access point?



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Re: What speed can I expect from a 5Ghz WiFi extender?


I know nothing about Steam or VR bits and am amazed that they need to be connected to presumably a computer (?) at 800Mbps+.

I'm with @bmc, if you really need this bandwidth go Ethernet as far as you can in at least CAT 5e cable.

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Rising Star
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Re: What speed can I expect from a 5Ghz WiFi extender?

Thank you all for the replies. It's actually a standalone VR headset, and works fine in that mode. But it also works by streaming Steam VR games from the pc to the headset via WiFi, which does require being close to the router in order to have a fast enough WiFi speed.

Unfortunately, an ethernet cable would be a pain to route to the room I want to use it in, so think I will go with trying the Mesh WiFi, and I'll disable the WiFi on the Plusnet. (Hopefully that is easy enough to do on the Hub One).

Thanks again everyone

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Re: What speed can I expect from a 5Ghz WiFi extender?


@kmw350 wrote:

But if I try to play the same games in the other room (only 20 ft away but one thick wall in between), my 2.4Ghz Extenders are not up to the job, giving only 100Mbs. If I were to buy a 5Ghz extender, am I likely to get anywhere near the 800+Mbs, or will that distance plus the wall kill the 5Ghz strength too much?

Do you mean WiFi extender or a remote WiFi AP?  They sound the same but are markedly different.

A WiFi extender uses the WiFi to connect back to the primary router, thus at best you will only get half of the bandwidth at the remote end, because the whatever the extender receives, it has to retransmit to the base router.  Also it has to be located well within the good coverage area of the base router.

A remote WiFi AP connected over Ethernet of Powerline adapters is likely to fair much better than WiFi extenders (or repeaters).  It does not need to use the WiFi spectrum for the back haul and can be placed where you need the WiFi signal, even if that is remote from the base router.

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Rising Star
Posts: 273
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Registered: ‎17-09-2010

Re: What speed can I expect from a 5Ghz WiFi extender?

Aah, thank you , that is really helpful information, and it's made me realise I have ordered the wrong thing. I will try and cancel the order and order the powerline version instead. Much appreciated.