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Care for the Community!

Care for the Community!

Care for the Community!

Over the last few weeks we have initiated a project to launch a cross-visp community website for users of PlusNet, Force9, Free-Online and Metronet. It's a really exciting project and we hope to bring together a wide range of community features such as forums, chat rooms, blogs, video diaries as well as community and PlusNet news. This is part of a wider plan to improve our websites and to further improve communication and interaction with our customers. We want to streamline the experience of customers signing-up to a service with us and provide a number of tools to enrich existing customers' use of our portals. Aside from this project, we are currently working on an easier to use, more helpful signup process. We have created the following initial prototype designs and it would be great to hear your feedback if you have any! >> Community Site Prototype >> Customer Homepage Prototype So... what do you think?  Any ideas for features, content, or design are welcome!
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A big yes to a community forum etc covering all VISPs. As an F9 customer I find it frustrating that much of the discussion on the portal forums is focused on Plusnet which I only have guest read access to.
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Really impressed by the new community site. Such a good idea I can't believe its not been introduced already! Should be good to have a bigger community. Though I don't look forward to meeting the Metronet folks, if they are anything like what acquired with James Bailey they will be more then a little mad! Looking forward to checking the chat room out. Sure there will be some lively late night debates in there Smiley
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I saw that....