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Christmas, a time for all gamers!

Christmas, a time for all gamers!

Christmas, a time for all gamers!

Hello all, and welcome to my first gaming blog. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Carl and I work in Plusnet's Technical Support team.  Oh, and I like games.  I have played since I was 4, and that was, well, that was a long time ago Tongue Now I could wax lyrical about all of the games that I have played, or I can look forwards to the games that we will all be playing in the near future.  And because listening (or reading) about games that other people have loved is probably not that interesting, I shall discuss games to come. This Christmas is one of the best in ages for the games that are coming out.  There's Guitar Hero World Tour and Rock Band 2, Command and Conquer, Left 4 Dead, Dead Space and soo soo much more.  I am quite fortunate to have a girlfriend who likes games almost as much as me, so there will be games all over the shop this Christmas and New Year.  I am currently playing EA's space horror game, Dead Space.  This game has had huge kudos and praise heaped upon it, but I really can't see the attraction.  For me, it doesn't do anything that Alien Vs Predator didn't do years ago on the PS1, still, one mans golden game is another mans bargain bin fodder.  Try the demo, or rent the game.  If you like it, buy it!  For my better half, well she is going to get Professor Layton and The Curious Village for the DS.  This looks ideal for my good lady, as she likes the mini games that are part of the game, as well as being enough of a puzzler to keep her occupied until the new year at least.  Our little boy is loving Lego Batman at the moment, and although this is aimed square at kids, there is enough in there to keep everyone going, and it is innocent enough for all to enjoy. Like things a little faster?  Now about Need for Speed: Undercover?  You an action head? Gears of War 2, thank you very much.  Not enough, have a slice of Fallout 3.  You still not sated?  How about Call of Duty: World at War?  Mirrors Edge?  And for the "casual" gamers out there, you have Wii Music, and the Guitar Hero and Rock Band sequels. I really do think that as gamers, we are being spoilt right now, but hey, get what you want or can afford now, and wait until the traditional new years lull to pick up the others slightly cheaper.  And if any of you fancy a game, then go have a look in the gamers forum, find my XBox Live gamertag, feel free to add me. If anyone has any requests that they would like me to look at in future blogs, please feel free to comment and, time permitting, I shall certainly investigate. See you all soon! Carl Lockley PS, If you fancy reading my review of Dead Space, it will be on in the next couple of days.  This is a gaming site set up and run by another tech agent, Nick Savage.

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