This is just a note to let you know that Comms presence in the forums (and the blog!) may be pretty limited over the next 2 or 3 weeks. The business is focussing very hard on the ticket backlog, which hasn't been going down in the last week. Obviously, with moving buildings everyone in the business has been very busy over the last week and while that is part of the reason, it’s also the case that there are a number of ongoing issues that we know customers expect quick and detailed answers to. For this reason the Comms Team have volunteered to devote most of our working time to working the more difficult tickets and helping in the massive company effort to clear the backlogs and get the support centre back on an even keel by the end of this month. In addition, the rest of the business have also committed a large proportion of their time to do the same. All non essential development work is now on hold, and dealing with the backlog is our number one priority across all departments in the business at the moment. Bob, in his Problem Management role, will continue to problem manage and we won’t let service status updates drop (I think this has been working well for us since Comms took ownership of this responsibility). The CSC (and that includes Comms) will be moving over to our new home on Saturday so the next few weeks look to be hectic to say the least! Please bear with us for the time being - our focus at this stage must be on reducing ticket and call wait times and on doing everything in our power to help customers with the problems they are experiencing. Once we've overcome the backlog - the general levels should settle down and remain manageable. Thanks in advance for your understanding and patience at such a busy time for us.