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Cool things we've found on the web

Cool things we've found on the web

Cool things we've found on the web

PlusnetHello, I would like to introduce a new regular blog. It is about things we’ve found online which we think may make your life a little bit easier or just put a smile on your face. We are interested to hear about your experiences of using these apps and services. This makes for good chat, will help us better understand what you find useful on the web, and therefore design better products and services in the future. We do not have any commercial relationship with the companies we’ll blog about, and in every instance there is a free or trial version of the service to try. So without further ado, here is our first contender foursquare – let us know what you think. My colleagues and I will post others in the next few weeks, and obviously add your own favourites. Thanks, Nick Nick Rawlings Commercial & Marketing Director

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