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Customer Satisfaction - June 2007

Customer Satisfaction - June 2007

Customer Satisfaction - June 2007

A new format presentation this month, just for a change! This month I've pulled a number of statistics from different areas. Most importantly, and as previously published, are our Customer Feedback Survey results. Specifically the "Overall Satisfaction", which this month showed that 63.3% of customers surveyed responded with "Very" or "Extremely Satisfied". This shows an ongoing upward trend. The Customer Feedback Survey is sent to 1 in 3 identified callers to our Support Centre. This is where our telephone system can identify the customer from the CLI they are calling from. A new stat this month, and one that we watch very closely indeed, is the number of Ofcom complaints recorded for us. These can be from both customers, or non-customers, and you can see a steady decline over the last 6 months or so. Though we would prefer for this figure to be closer to 0, we're still in a pretty good position with this regard as far as industry standards go. Being realistic, this is a figure we can at least be fairly happy with. You can download the Presso in full from here. More next month. Oh - and watch this space for "Rate My Service". Enjoy!

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