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Customer Satisfaction: Results from December 2007

Customer Satisfaction: Results from December 2007

Customer Satisfaction: Results from December 2007

The purpose of the Customer Feedback Survey is to facilitate a better understanding of what our customers think of the service they receive from the Customer Support Centre (CSC). Customer feedback will be utilised to identify areas for improvement within the department, it also provides a feedback mechanism on the performance of individual agents. 5687 surveys have been submitted (via email) to PlusNet customers that have called the CSC. 2.5% of the surveys were completed which represents a sample size of 0.4% of all customers that have had telephone contact with a CSC agent in the month of December. It is important to highlight these statistics in order to allow the data presented within this report to be taken in context. Although the results gathered from the survey are a random sample of customers that have spoken to a CSC agent, the results do represent a very small sample of the total calls handled within the CSC during the month. The graphs below represent a selection of the questions asked to the customers to demonstrate the differing types of feedback we receive each month. This month I'm going to include all the graphs from the survey so you can see the changes over the last 6 months. The first graph is a very simple one and shows which PlusNet vISP (brand) the customer is from. As you can see the vast majority are from PlusNet with less than 7% from Force9, Free-Online and Metronet combined. Customer vISP. This graph shows the percentage of business customers calling in as opposed to residential customers. Business or residential. The next graph shows the type of queries our support team deal with on a daily basis. As expected most of the calls are regarding technical issues or fault information. Nature of call When customers call in it is important that any messages on the phone system are clear and easy to understand. As you can see over 97% of the customers thought this was happening. Clear phone messaging. If you have to call us for help or advice then you would like the call answered as quickly as possible. Over 73% of customers that contacted the customer via telephone thought that their call was answered quickly. Call answered quickly. The wait time is shown in more detail on the next graph, as can be seen the number of customers waiting more than 5 minutes has reduced significantly over the last 6 months. Call wait time. Following on from the wait times, when you call in we try to make sure there is a message on the phone system advising you of how long you may be waiting. The graph shows that most of the time it is not necessary to have a message with only 7% of customers saying they did not hear one when needed. Extended wait message. When you get through to one of our analysts the first impression is important, this is why we ask customers to rate the greeting they receive from the CSC. Agent greeting. Before we can go into details on your account we need to perform data protection checks to ensure you are who you say you are. 90% of customers are stating they are receiving a DPA check, it's possible that out of the other 10% some customers aren't realising that asking for the first 2 characters of their password constitutes this check. DPA check. Different customers have different knowledge levels, therefore it is important that we adjust our approach to ensure we can help each person as much as possible. Agent adapted approach. When you have a problem the last thing you want is someone not empathising with you, the graph shows that our customers are happy with the level of agent empathy they received with over 80% choosing fairly, very or extremely satisfied. Agent level of empathy. The tone of voice and the manner you are spoken to is very important when you call in, as you can see over 85% of customers were fairly satisfied or above with this. Agent tone and manner. It's equally important that our agents know what they are talking about and are confident in doing so. Again well over 80% of customers were fairly satisfied or above with the agent's level of confidence. Agent level of confidence. The reason most people call in is because they have something that needs resolving or fixing. This graph shows you what customers think of the resolution offered on the call. The extremely and very satisfied consistently outweigh the other bars on the graph and we are continuing to improve this by performing more QoS(Quality of Service) on calls and tickets. Agent resolution. We ask customer to rate the overall performance of the agent they spoke to, on the whole this is very high but there is always room for improvement. We are continuing to push the dissatisfaction levels down in order to provide a better service to our customers. Agent level of satisfaction. We like to try to resolve customers issues on the first call or ticket. From the graph 65% of customers issues are resolved on the first contact, we would like this to be higher and are continuing to work towards this. Resolved first time. As part of the same area, we ask customers how important is a first time fix. Over 55% of people would prefer a first time fix as opposed to a faster answer. The ideal solution is a balance between the two and this is what we are aspiring to. First time fix. Now we come to the rating for the overall service from the CSC. We aim to get the very satisfied and extremely satisfied as high as possible and are currently performing well on this. Over the last 6 months the scores for this have ranged from 56.7% up to the high in December of 65.5%. Overall CSC service. As we venture into a new year with new developments, I look forward to reporting the improvements as they happen. Thanks for reading. Chris.

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