When our Jonny returned from a visit to Poland recently, he brought some fudge back for us. Opening the wrapper made me think just how ubiquitous smilies now are. This wasn't always the case of course.
I remember, back at the turn of the millennium, interviewing potential candidates for Force9/PlusNet. I'd enter the room with a sheet of A4, draw a big ; - ) on it with black marker and simply ask "Can you tell me what this means?".
As an ice-breaker, if you like, it worked a charm. Although I felt that if they didn't know what that meant, then they clearly weren't of 'the right stuff'.
You couldn't do that these days to judge true net-nerdiness.. Everyone uses emoticons every day over email, SMS, IM etc. Have YOU seen emoticons in strange places though?
Answers.., not on a postcard (that would be silly).. tell us about it here instead!
(And the translation? Something along the lines of "You will want more..")