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End of Day: 12th March

End of Day: 12th March

End of Day: 12th March

We were lucky enough to have the lovely Becky from Hallam FM visit us today with a few freebies.  What were we thinking of not to take any pictures?  Well, you'll just have to imagine it  😉  Anyway onto business and let's take a quick tour of the floors..   Starting off with Emma with the update from CSC: Another steady morning building up to a busy midday and afternoon. At time of posting this (4pm) 93% CAR (call answer rate) which is great news for customers.

  1. Email setup: lots of customers wanting assistance setting up their email, also some problems with being able to send and not able to receive and vice versa.
  2. Router setup: near the top today, fewer calls than normal although the ones we have had have been complicated ones where dialup was on the PC previously, causing difficulties getting to the router's configuration page.
  3. Fault updates: mainly no sync and authentication issues where customers can't get online.  A large majority of the calls are just to check on progress and a few have been where the fault is now resolved.
  4. Username and password verification: this is not just for logging in to the portal but also for email and router/modems.
  5. Provisioning updates: getting to the time of year where people sell up and move to new homes, so we're seeing a lot more house moves than normal.  This also applies to customers signing up as new provides instead of migrations, involving us placing the order manually.

  Neil in Networks: I've been looking at what the guys who cover our PARBIN brands do on a daily basis now that those lucky people have moved into Network Operations. Matt and Dan have kept support tickets right down. Sarah has been doing lots of work on our internal VoIP gateway. Mark has been concentrating on DSL platform work, so much so that he's not even made any cups of tea today! Mike has been doing more work on our staging platform. A system security monitoring project has been worked on by Riz, and Dunc has been mopping up and resolving all those annoying problems. Finally Rich has been keeping a keen eye on our Network and making sure no strangeness occurs!   Matt in Comms: There haven't been any fizzypop-related debates today fortunately, though Chris has had far too much Cola and is singing 'Sunshine, lollipops and... rainbows everywhere' every five minutes. Has it been 'the B-word' today? A little. Mand's been looking after our new dedicated sales team today, though I've filled in when she's been off in meetings. Chris has been managing accounts and has also been taking care of the forums in James' absence - he's off this week. Bob has been today's networks point of contact and has picked up the change controls and I've been working in the forum and also on one or two other projects that are ongoing.   Martyn in Marketing: Today we've been working on email campaigns to spread the word about our current broadand offers. Spencer and I have been prototyping some new designs for the home page, which hopefully you'll be able to see next week. There's also been plenty of PR activity, with the £40 GAME voucher offer and the Sheffield Children's Hospital Charity offer getting some coverage.   Catherine in QA: It's so quiet at the moment that I just had to look round to see where everyone was - everyone was so busy heads down at work! Today we've been doing the usual problems - keeping Problem Investigation to 0 is my (nearly achieved) target for the day, as well as rolling out 10+ problems and doing my usual change control work. Gavin has been slaving away on every aspect of domains for Madasafish, shaking the bugs out of any dark corners there may be.  Finally, Nigel has been doing his usual interrogation of various databases.   Finally, Rupert has not only been 'seconded' to Dev but collared into doing today's update: I've been asked to help out in Development for a while, because they obviously can't manage without my 1337 5ki11z. I'm sat next to Andy again, opposite my old lead developer, Farhan, so it's just like old times, and they can't wait for me to go back to Web Dev again! And, boy! Have they been putting me to work since I got down here! Everything is very b*** with Brightview Phase 2, Home Phone updates, Signup Updates and the new starters are still installing their Alpha boxes (like Cam said yesterday, it is a challenge!).   Until tomorrow.. have a good evening all. P-j


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