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End of Day: 3rd July

End of Day: 3rd July

End of Day: 3rd July

Our community blogs have been nominated for the IT Blog Awards 08! How cool is that?  I think it's practically sub-zero and we're incredibly flattered that ‘industry' IT professionals and general readers alike think our ramblings are insightful and entertaining (at least I hope that's why they like them!).  Would it be terribly wrong of me to ask you to go and vote for us?  Would it..?    Amy in Marketing kicks us off today Well Marketing have been so busy we have been absent from the EOD's this week; back on it today though peeps, so fear not! Chris has started writing the newsletter today- yes it is that time again already, doesn't time go fast? As well as this he has been preparing for the very exciting PlusNet LAN party starting tomorrow.  Along with this, we have received news that the community site has been nominated for the blog awards with Computer Weekly, which involved some chasing with PR and some more bloggage. Great news! Martyn and Spence have been working on some new concepts for the sales pages- all will be revealed shortly I'm sure. And I have been checking lots of figures to ensure everything is working as it should be on the marketing side, as well as engaging with our affiliates and generally annoying Chris.   Kat in Development shines light into the corners of the ground floor: During the last week, a lot of interesting things happened at our department. Now that the Brightview work has mostly come to an end, we have time to use the lessons we learned from that project, and make changes. Yesterday, Rowan did a presentation on Future Development, in which he talked about Test Driven Development and about working with our remote teams. Ben Walton is making an excellent progress on researching and presenting about various development tools. I am currently in charge of reviewing our coding standards and turning them from the "line-must-not-exceede-90-characters" style into a useful guidance notes for writing quality code.   Denis works in Networks; can you tell? brainrtr01> ping Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to ping, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/2 ms brainrtr01>echo "Another (busy|quiet & productive) day in networks. Sarah has been updating documentation and working on problems Ade has been working on Ellacoya Resilience and Ironport trial Carl working on Ellacoya Resilience and Ellacoya upgrades Josh has been trying to create up upgraded MySQL package for Debian and finishing off my virtualisation blog Geoff has been looking at how to setup a shell on a Unix machine to provide an audit trail Ian has been working on improvements for 'My Account' and Brightview Corporate Mail changes Mike on sledb resilience monitoring mainly Michael just been working on problems Russell doing decommission of services and monitoring Duncan on problems Simon has been fighting with problems Ben on monitoring Kevin has been looking on JTN / PAYH support and Payments Matt: Tickets, Hostmaster, Tasks Dan: Abuse, mail space policing, abuse mailbox" | ssh -i .ssh/identity plusnet "cat >whatiwant2know.txt"   Err, great. Thanks for that Denis.  So, what else has been happening around here?  Perhaps James can tell us in the Comms EOD: So, July in Sheffield brings April showers. That makes sense. Today Chris has been working on problems, posting a bit in forums and replying to a few PMs. He also apparently has a couple of personal issues. I'm guessing one of those is to stop falling off his chair, but what's the other one Chris? I've mainly bit doing a bunch of random bits and pieces without really focusing on anything specific over the course of the day. That basically means problems, meetings, forums and task work. Matt hasn't replied to me but I reckon some of his days work might apply to the LAN event that's happening at the Doncaster Dome this weekend. Should be a blast. Bob and Mand are back tomorrow! Yay! Comms Team reunited! We'll be back tomorrow when Chris promises to put loads of abuse aimed in my direction in his EoD. Bit hard to do that when you're sprawling on the floor though!   And finally here's Rupert in my department, Web Dev.  Actually, what have you all been doing today? Jonny and I have been cracking on with some of the new MyAccount functions. Jonny has been doing some internal user testing to see what people at PlusNet think of the new interfaces, and I have been working on the application code, getting to grips with how the PlusNet 'Framework' makes developing applications here easier. Colin has been oiling the cogs of the community site, preparing handover notes for the times he's not here (I know we like to think he's 24/7 365 but in fact he's not). We wouldn't want the whole place coming to a grinding halt because Colin's not in would we? Mark and Andrew have been fixing problems all day, with Andy also trying to rejig the domain support. That is... the problems take time to fix and test, not that there's lots of problems to fix. And Kelly has been talking to BT all day. In the immortal words of Bob Hoskins in the television ads, "It's good to talk". It is indeed. TTFN PJ

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