Those of you who regularly read our blogs will probably remember our recent article about Scribd, well we've found another similar site but this time with a twist. Fabulate is a different way of writing a book, it’s produced 500 words at a time by a different author for each page. Once there are enough submissions for the next page, all the entries are passed to the reviewers. They then rate each page and the highest rating becomes the next part of the fabula. After that it’s opened up again for the submissions for the next page and continues like this until the book is complete. The Fabulate guys have written pretty detailed ‘How does it work?’ and ‘FAQs’ over on their website. Sounds like an interesting and good concept to me, I’ve already signed up to be an author and reviewer! If want to get involved as an author, reviewer or both then hop on over to and sign up. Want to read the story so far? No problem, it’s available on their site or as an RSS feed. I’ll certainly be reading the finished book to see where a story written by so many people takes us.