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Festive Fun on the Community site!

Festive Fun on the Community site!

Festive Fun on the Community site!

As Christmas is fast approaching I've been planning a little bit of festive fun here on the Community site! Every day from now until the end of December I'll be writing a small blog linking to a fun festive website. I'll try and cover everything from Christmas recipes, important Christmas information and shopping ideas to festive events and games. So if you need a helping hand with buying your Christmas presents or knocking up a 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer' cocktail then look no further. I'll also run a couple of competitions so that we can give out a few prizes before Christmas. I'll aim to get each blog written before lunchtime each day and you guys are more than welcome to suggest some suitable alternative websites if you want. So, watch the front page for the first of the Christmas blogs which should be with you all very soon.

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