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LAN Party - Fragtastic day at PlusNet Towers

LAN Party - Fragtastic day at PlusNet Towers

LAN Party - Fragtastic day at PlusNet Towers

Well here we go, we now have a plan for the LAN Party, a date confirmed and a list of prizes. Keep reading for details on how YOU can come join the fun. If this is the first you have heard of this, where have you been? Have a read through my previous post on the subject. Fragfest at PlusNet Towers We are looking for people to come play at a LAN Party on the 20th October, don't worry if you aren't a PlusNet customer, you don't need to be. All you need is a PC and CounterStrike: Source. We will have some other games going on too but this is going to be the main one. The age limit is 16+ but you can invite people that aren't PlusNet customers if you want. Just let us know their names at the email address below. It's looking 99% likely that the actual tournament itself will be based on CounterStrike : Source. Don't worry if you aren't a good CS player, it doesn't matter. We are going to have other games running for fun at the same time. It's looking likely to be Day of Defeat : Source, Team Fortress 2 (beta) and maybe one or two other games. We'll confirm these nearer the time. We are going to be starting around 9am and finishing at around 9pm, with the main tournament taking place in the afternoon 2-7ish. So how do I enter? - Simple, email me at with your name and return email address and I'll get you added to the list. What can I win? - We have a selection of prizes for those in the tournament and also a chance of winning something for those that don't do so well. We'll post the prize list up shortly. It's going to be held here at PlusNet Towers (Tenter Street, Sheffield), so make sure you are available on the 20th October and get your application in before the 12th October otherwise you may miss out on this. Happy Fraggin' Chris

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