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LLU MAC Codes - Update

LLU MAC Codes - Update

LLU MAC Codes - Update

I raised this as an issue at Director level yesterday, that we were not receiving LLU Codes from Tiscali.  Whilst the following is informative, it does offer some hope, and we shall have to wait and see. LLU MAC codes are a subject, which is being looked at at all levels within Tiscali, OFCOM and BT Openreach, I raised this as a significant industry issue at OFCOM yesterday and they are well aware of the problems it is causing for the consumer.   The problems with LLU MAC codes lie within BT Openreach. In relation to Tiscali, they are trying to move across to the automated MAC process which BT is encouraging SPs to do.  This is using the new BT EMP systems within Openreach.  Given that this is something which is taking a time to role out and is full of issues and problems, I have requested that Tiscali issue us with the old manual MAC codes.  These codes should now be coming through, if you do not receive any today please let me know ASAP and I will escalate. Thanks Sarah

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