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NEW : Top Issues in the CSC this week!

NEW : Top Issues in the CSC this week!

NEW : Top Issues in the CSC this week!

For the next couple of weeks we’re going to publish our top reasons for inbound contacts into our Customer Support Centre. We’ll be looking out for customers’ feedback as to this ‘trial’ and if it’s positive - we will start doing it every week (or perhaps more regularly!). When you read the top reasons it’s important to understand that, as an inbound support centre, many of the top issues are likely to remain the same most of the time. For example, things like faults reports / updates and customers querying how to setup their connection etc… are exactly what we’re here for. In fact, we want to see more of the ’standard’ stuff on the 'Top 5' than anything else - because that proves that we’re doing our best to provide a great service and it means that contacts are not coming in as a direct result of something we have done (i.e. our actions impacting on customers). Read on here...

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