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Plusnet gives the gift of the Internet to a St Helens community group

Plusnet gives the gift of the Internet to a St Helens community group

Plusnet gives the gift of the Internet to a St Helens community group

Presents The Plusnet Business Team recently donated a broadband connection to Lester Drive Community Centre, in Eccleston, St Helens so that older people living in the area can explore the online world through computer classes. Lester Drive Community Centre puts on classes so that its users can learn how to complete day-to-day tasks using the web such as online banking, shopping and keeping in touch with family and friends. Keep reading to find out how the centre are making the most of their newly acquired Plusnet connection ... Mavis Hall, who is over 65 and a regular user of the Centre’s computer classes said:

“I knew very little about computers and the Internet before I came to the class, even to the point of being apprehensive of it. If I went anywhere that had computers I would always avoid using them or I’d ask someone to help . “It is nice to get together in a small group, thanks to Plusnet, where we can learn a bit, have a nice cup of tea and help each other when we get stuck. By coming to the class I hope to become more confident with computers.”

The classes started with some of the committee members bringing their own laptops and tablets for the learners to use, then the group was given a couple of old computers and now the Centre has been able to buy some IT equipment due to help from their local Rotary Clubs. The Centre has technical support with their computers from a member of another group that meets there, Peter Matthew, a lecturer in IT at a local University.  Pete saw the value of the project and volunteered his technical expertise. Pictured: Mavis Hall enjoys a lesson on the world wide web at Lester Road Community Centre:

Mavis Hall enjoys a lesson on the world wide web at Lester Road Community Centre

Digital Unite who are this week running Spring Online, a campaign  designed to encourage older people and less confident users to try digital technology, report that 7 million people in the country have never used the internet and 6.5 million of these people are aged over 55 years. Research show that digital skills could help them access services, find new interests, reduce loneliness and save money. Are you like Mavis and her friends at Lester Drive who have discovered the Internet later in life?  What difference has it made to you?  Tell us about your experiences by leaving a comment below...

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