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Publish Yourself!

Publish Yourself!

Publish Yourself!

You can tell the Internet has gone mainstream when the majority of people at Internet World are wearing Suits. 🙂 and they want to tell you (for only £1k) how to get to No.1 on Google. However, amongst the presentations that are nothing more than souped up adverts for their services, stand a couple of innovative businesses which really demonstrate the power of the Internet and how its revolutionising certain parts of the marketplace. Once such business is has been around a while (its on version 20 (that twenty not two point oh! 😉 ) and has brought the printing press into the home study. It basically allows anyone who has written a book have it published in single copies and sell it through the marketplace on Lulu's website. Read that last sentence again! You can write a book and have it published in printed format (so it actually looks just like a paperback that you bought from the high street retailers) in a volume of ONE. So you really have no excuse in writing your autobiography now ;-) This "print on demand" solution is a great example of technology empowering everyone in something that is as old as the written word in a new and exciting way. regards Dean p.s. My feet really ache. Internet World needs more seats in the presentation areas 🙂 and you don't n.eed to spent a grand on getting to No.1 in Google listings you can do it yourself by following some simple techniques which I'll write about shortly

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