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Quality of Customer Support

Quality of Customer Support

Quality of Customer Support

Hello to all CSC Blog readers, may I take this opportunity to introduce myself to you all, for those of you who don’t already know me I am currently Head of the CSC here at PlusNet and have been for the last 4 years. Quality of support is key to what we do, for me speed of answer and response is important but offering good support when customers do contact us is equally if not more important, so I wanted to give you an insight into the results we are currently seeing and some of the things we are doing. We currently measure the quality of support in various different ways. TSM (Technical Shift Manager) remote monitoring TSMs are tasked with completing a number of quality assessments on individuals within their team, at least 4 on a daily basis. It is their responsibility to ensure that there is a 50/50 split between tickets and calls. We use slightly different criteria for each work stream, however the required levels on each is 85%. You may ask why this isn’t 100% and this is due to the fact that the final 15% is an over and above score, covering things such as excellent empathy, understanding etc. The process is for the TSM to complete the assessment and then feedback the results to the individual. This includes both areas in which the individual achieved or over achieved and areas in which they need to focus and the support they will be given to improve. This then forms the basis for objectives for the next month. TSMs complete over 200 of these types of measures on a monthly basis and this forms part of their objectives. TSM (Technical Shift Manager) Side By Side coaching On a weekly basis TSMs are tasked with spending 4 hours per week on this activity, if their team members are fairly new then they will concentrate on these individuals and they will do more than the required amount. This activity involves the TSM sitting with the individual analyst, listening to calls and observing tickets and then providing immediate feedback and support on both technical areas for improvement and soft skills. In this instance the results are not necessarily documented unless there is a need for future actions and activities to be captured and followed up on. I am conscious that these are all internally generated results and feel it is important to ensure we have a balanced overview and perspective of the support we offer. Therefore we also collate and review customer feedback on tickets, faults and calls. Customer feedback on calls Every 3rd call where the phone system can match the CLI (phone number) of the caller with an account in our database, we send out a link, via email to a survey to assess the quality of the support. This is collated on a monthly basis by the Comms team; previously this was collated by the TSMs. The results are published to the business with a list of issues and actions based upon the results. This then forms part of the operational plan for the coming month/s. I have attached below the overall results of the survey for those of you that are interested in looking at this and showing the progressive improvements we have made over the last few months, you need to bear in mind, that last month we changed the measures from 4 options to 8, this is why the graph may seem confusing at first glance. Our target is to ensure that over 50% of all rating are in the top 2 categories, very satisfied and extremely satisfied. custsat.PNG

Customer feedback on tickets

Every time a customer closes a ticket we ask them to rate the level of the support they have received, this is currently rated with 3 faces, smiley, neutral and sad. This is reviewed daily by the late TSM, who reviews all "sad" ratings, gives feedback and support to the analyst where this is required and if it is necessary contacting the customer to take ownership of the issue. Again you can find graph below detailing the responses we have had. It is interesting to note that some "sad" face ratings are due to the customer not liking our answers, in these circumstances the answer is correct and there is nothing else we could have done, i.e. wording this differently etc. As you can see this again shows very positive results


Customer feedback on Faults

We recently launched beta phase of feedback when customer faults are closed. This will be used to measure our performance in this area. We are currently in the process of collating this. Once this has been collated we will be using this to review and amend the processes and procedures and work to improve the customer experience on faults in general.

Future developments

We are currently working on a "Mystery shopper" assessment, which we will use for key processes and procedures and will again help us to audit and improve processes and procedures and measure the quality of the support in these areas. Simon, who is a TSM within the dept has this has one of his objectives, so watch this space for further updates. We have in the past and will continue to maintain the focus we have on the quality of support in all workflows, there will be times when we drop the ball and where new starters who are in "learn" mode will make mistakes, however I hope you can see that we are working to minimize this, we still have areas for improvement and we will be driving this onwards and upwards throughout the Year.

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