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The Retentions Team

The Retentions Team

The Retentions Team

If you've ever wanted to cancel a service/product you've probably spoken to a retentions agent. It is a retentions agent's job to put right any problems you have with the service and ultimately try to keep your custom. Like any company we need customers to stay happy. But it isn't just about that. You're probably thinking all we do is throw discounts at customers that are leaving but the retentions team is so much more than that. We want you, the customer to be happy with the service you're receiving, whichever broadband supplier you may choose to be with. We provide advice and information so even if you do end up leaving us, you can be sure you've made an informed decision. Like Plusnet as a company, we pride ourselves on our honesty. We don't lie to customers to encourage them to stay with us. So thats our job, but who are we? We are the retentions/cancellations/care team and we work on the CSC in Sheffield and have our own desk! We work the ticket pools, take transfers from other areas of the CSC and take calls directly from customers. Some of us are tech trained and this can mean that we don't have to ask tech support to call a customer back. This is definitely an interesting job and can be challenging, keeping us on our toes. We get alot of customers that are adamant they want to leave. Reasons such as faults, cost, free hardware with other providers, moving abroad and consolidating services with one provider are common. These are often valid reasons to leave a company, so being up against them alot can lower the morale of the team. The fact that we work for a company with such a fantastic reputation does make it easier. Most of the reasons for leaving boil down to cost. We never profess to be the cheapest supplier but if the figures are right in recent surveys, we're definitely the best. Customers generally know how good our service is and know the quality of our support. This definitely helps us when retaining customers. Well there is an incredible sense of community on the retentions team. We always support each other and give advice where necessary. The banter on the team is second to none. Everyone is down-to-earth and we all share the same sense of humour. We have a real team spirit and this is demonstrated by the fact that everything is done as a team. When we succeed, we succeed as a team and when we fail, we fail as a team. We are probably one of the most tight knit teams on the CSC. You can always expect good customer service from Plusnet but we always go that extra mile to ensure you have the best broadband experience possible. We want to break the mould and show our customers that we're not just doing a job but we actually care about what we're doing and the people we are helping. Sometimes things do go wrong, you lose your confidence in a company and you decide to cancel. We are the ones to restore that confidence and put things right! Alan Epton (Retentions Analyst)

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