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The last few weeks...

The last few weeks...

The last few weeks...

As well as our usual forum activities there are a number of other processes the comms team are involved in on a day to day basis. This blog is to give you all an overview of some of the projects we have been involved in. As I'm sure most of you are aware, April saw the rollout of our new product set, Broadband Your Way. This appears to have gone down well with the community with many customers taking the opportunity to move to the new packages as well as a good number of new signups. We are taking on customers feedback from the first phase of these products and will look to incorporate this into later phases. One of the major projects has been to move customers e-mail onto a new storage platform. More information on this project can be found on Bob's blog post here. This should give the increased reliability and stability that is required for such an important application. In the last few days the final few customers have had their mail moved onto this platform. Along with the mail migration there was also another major project with the e-mail service, this was to introduce more control for customers. New features now allow customers to add aliases to their mailbox and switch on/off the catch-all feature at their leisure. This was necessary to help reduce the quantity of SPAM passing through the mail system. Obviously with a rollout this big there are always going to be problems, however we believe they were identified and fixed as swiftly as possible. Responding to feedback from our customer base we have just introduced a geographical support number. This will allow customers to call us for free using included minutes in their phone packages. We feel that this is another positive step in offering the best support possible to our customers. Full details can be found here. As you can see the last few weeks have been particularly busy but we feel that they highlight an exciting time ahead. New packages combined with greater customer control, a 24 hour geographic support number and a more reliable email platform will offer customers the flexibility and reliability that they want. Following on from the success of the e-mail migration we are looking at improving the VoIP and CGI platforms too. Keep an eye on the service status postings for more details when these start. For our business customers we are currently gathering as much feedback as possible for the upcoming product refresh and invite all customers to give us more idea of what they would like to see here. Thanks for taking the time to keep up to date with the goings on at PlusNet Towers...

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