For interested eyes only
Shh... nobody tell Kelly, I nicked this info / prototype from his internal tasks
We've mentioned in the past about how we've been planning to re-work the Service Status tool - and it's fast becoming a reality.
The new tool will see the Service Status pages on our website overhauled and massively improved. Here are just a few of the features we're planning :
[*] Categories with Sub-Categories
[*] E-Mail Subscription (with ability to subscribe to low-level categories, top level categories - or everything)
[*] RSS Output (subscription ability similar to E-Mail
[*] Ability to link items to each other (and post follow-ups to items)
[*] Restructured back end making it easier for us to use, update and manage
[*] Ability to use code in Service Status posts (for links, formatting etc..)
[*] One tool to feed all vISPs and services (such as the Parbin brands, JTN, PAYH, Port995 etc...)
Additionally, we have plans to work with the PlusNet UserGroup to provide an off-site replicated version using the RSS feeds as output - but managed seperately and updateable seperately.
I thought I'd throw a high-level prototype at you to see what you guys think of the new tool, the layout, the features etc... This project is still in the very early stages and, as ever, things are subject to change. However, the benefit of this is that we can be open to ideas etc... and actually think about working them into our plans if they're any good! We don't have a date to go live with this yet - we're probably looking at Q2 2007. So hopefully before mid-year!
Please bear in mind that the prototype is non-functional using only example data. So - what do you think?!?
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