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'Unnecessary FORCE!'; Starring Web Development

'Unnecessary FORCE!'; Starring Web Development

'Unnecessary FORCE!'; Starring Web Development

You can tell it's Friday when I spend my lunchbreak creating movies on JibJab with my collegues' heads. I have messed about with this kind of thing before, but this time I think I have got the casting spot on. Take a look at the results :). PJ says: The content, whilst amusing and cartoon-style, is a bit graphic and might not be deemed suitable for minors. Unnecessary FORCE! Colin is already up for two Golden Globes for his role in "Unnecessary Force", and is confident of at least one nomination at the Oscars and is hoping for the prestigious award of "Best Supporting Actor". Cast in order of apperance: Reporter: Sam (Web Designer) The Chief: Colin (Web Developer) Lt. Slaughter: Wojtek (Web Designer) Screaming Woman: Jonny (Web Production Manager) Woman on Bench: Kelly (Head of Web Development) Man on Bench: Pete (Web Content Manager)

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