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Update on Plans for 2007

Update on Plans for 2007

Update on Plans for 2007

Back in January, we published our plans for 2007. We thought that it was about time we updated you with our progress on these plans. Some of the items are complete, others are well underway, and there are some that we haven't made as much progress on as we'd have liked. The traffic light marking scheme (greenamberred) should make it pretty clear which are which! :) Service

  • Broadband network capacitygreen
    • We’ve had a good period of stability, with network capacity operating to design and no significant customer difficulties. We published an updated Broadband Blueprint last month and Dave Tomlinson is keeping up a regular commentary on our Broadband network and what’s happening with capacity in the Traffic Management Blog.
  • Email red
    • Following recent email issues, email status is red. We now have more work to do on Spam, and stability must be proven.
  • Customer Support green
    • All indications are that customer support is functioning well, with good customer survey feedback results and generally internal and customer SLAs are being met. The launch of business support was completed successfully and this has proved popular with our business customers. If you want to comment on the service that you have received have a look at our new customer feedback survey.
New products
  • BT Home Hub green
    • Expected to be available in November.
  • BT Fusion red
    • At present we have no expected delivery date and we are continuing to investigate the most appropriate way to offer this or a similar service to our customers.
  • BT Vision red
    • Again, we currently have no expected delivery date and no firm plans for implementation of BT Vision. We are investigating an alternative Set-top box, which combines Freeview and a streaming IPTV solution, but there are no confirmed details at this point.
  • PlusTalk amber
    • Overall PlusTalk reliability has improved, but is still not where we want to be. We still expect to deliver more on our promised improvements to reliability and functionality of our Voice over IP offering.
  • Web Hosting amber
    • We have developed a new web hosting platform for our sister company Just The Name which is based on the industry standard ‘Plesk’ software. The most appropriate way to provide this same improvement to PlusNet customers is still being discussed, but progress has been made.
Marketing / Customer Comms
  • Transparency amber
    • We know that we can still improve further and have a number of things in the pipeline: Our new service status tool, latest portal RAG Update and more policies on the portal. We will also be introducing further service monitoring functionality on the portal.
  • Community support Site green
    • The community site has been launched successfully, and a roadmap for the next phase of improvement is nearly finalised and will be published very soon.
  • You stay we pay green
    • The you stay we pay offer was removed in April as promised.
  • Open days amber
    • After the very successful open day earlier in the year, we agreed to hold another one. This has still to be planned.
We've suffered a number of set-backs this year. We spent the last three months undertaking a huge programme of platform upgrades and background improvements, which didn't directly give customers any feature improvements, but have put us in a position where we can now focus on delivering as much as possible from our plans. We'll post a further update on the progress we are making later in the year. Chris Cotterill

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