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We're supporting Digital Inclusion at the ISPAs

We're supporting Digital Inclusion at the ISPAs

We're supporting Digital Inclusion at the ISPAs

the_ispas2In the UK today, around 10 million people still have no internet access.  And of those people, 4 million are counted amongst the most vulnerable and isolated –the very ones who are most likely to benefit from being online. We’d like to help as many as possible get online. But it’s a huge challenge. That’s why this year we’re proud to be sponsoring a prestigious ISPA award. The award, given for Digital Inclusion, recognises the company, person or project that’s done the most to help get those vulnerable people online. The award also ties in with the Race Online 2012 initiative ( which gives helpful advice on how you, or your company, can help.  It can be as simple as spreading the word to others, or you could do more by arranging events, training people, and making donations. We’ll give you more information about the ISPA awards nearer the time – we’re up for Best Consumer Customer Service ISP, so hopefully our support team will have even more cause for celebration soon…

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