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5 yrs int making, tested, not fit 4 purpose, billing system 01/Sept/2018

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎08-07-2016

5 yrs int making, tested, not fit 4 purpose, billing system 01/Sept/2018

It seems that the new billing system are causing problems for NOT only PN staff but also for us consumers


Overcharging on bills, well well well, why was that not checked tested and fixed before it was deployed...?Huh


  1. What was PN's process in testing this unfit fraudulent service.
  2. Was it tested by customers with known regular issues like mine (well defo NOT in my case, as I was not even consulted).
  3. Figuratively speaking how many participants took place in testing the new Billing System.
  4. How long did the testing phase take place from start to finish before deployment.
  5. What testing programs / apps / equipment was used.
  6. Why has the customer discounts been removed by the new billing System.
  7. Why have you (PN) not used a tried and tested Billing System like 99.9% of businesses country / worldwide
  8. Why have you (PN) deployed the Billing System on 20+ year old system(s) instead of upgrading / renewing the main hardware systems first n foremost.
  9. What timescale are you (PN) aiming to squat out these known bugs
  10. Why have you not reinstated the old Billing system until the new one is fit for purpose
  11. How pro-active are you're bug squatters (PN)



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Re: 5 yrs int making, tested, not fit 4 purpose, billing system 01/Sept/2018

As former PM for large scale projects in Telco's with far more customers than Plusnet, a couple of issues are really raising red flags for me on this billing system rollout.

  1. It appears to be that there was no rollback / contingency planning in place in the event of significant issues - or the decision was taken to weather the storm.
  2. This must have been signed off by very senior management as "good to go"
  3. There has been no public apology to customers for the disruption caused on any of the Plusnet portals that i am aware of.

Plusnet do not seem to have learnt anything from their recent encounter with OFCOM when it comes to billing 880,000


“There can be no margin for error, and no excuses, when it comes to billing customers correctly,” said Lindsey Fussell, consumer group director at Ofcom. “This fine should serve as a reminder to telecoms companies that they must adhere to Ofcom’s billing rules at all times, or face the consequences.”



OFCOM don't take kindly to repeat offenders

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Rising Star
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Re: 5 yrs int making, tested, not fit 4 purpose, billing system 01/Sept/2018

Thank you protech for your update and valuable input


This makes for very interesting reading, and I imagine Ofcom will be getting an influx of calls from disgruntled customers, that are currently being ripped off by the new Billing System...


I guess £880.000 is chump change for PN then

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Re: 5 yrs int making, tested, not fit 4 purpose, billing system 01/Sept/2018

If the case is proved then the next fine might be even higher, PN will have to find the money and no points for guessing whose pockets the money will come out of in the end.

We are born into history and history is born into us.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎08-07-2016

Re: 5 yrs int making, tested, not fit 4 purpose, billing system 01/Sept/2018



Yep you are right, and I feel PN is a sinking ship imho, they have so many cracks / holes in their vessel that they do not have enough qualified underwater welders to continue fixing them and they do not seem to want to dry dock to help make the repairs go smoother

Rising Star
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Re: 5 yrs int making, tested, not fit 4 purpose, billing system 01/Sept/2018

I reckon the fine for NOT implementing the new billing system was higher that the fines potentially coming afterwards.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎08-07-2016

Re: 5 yrs int making, tested, not fit 4 purpose, billing system 01/Sept/2018

Funny you say that, a personal friend of mine has said the same, albeit phrased slightly different and cannot be repeated on here in case any women or children are subject to the content