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Posts: 15,268
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Registered: ‎04-11-2014


So how does one make a service provider truly accountable?

My own three month issue of sudden 'super slow' broadband seems one that frustrates plusnet and defies any solution by BT it's sister company. Is there no true 'architecture of accountability'? It would seem not.

I guess ours is like an old model television which will only be 'fixed' by it being replaced by a new one - in other words, suck it up until fibre optic arrives.... at extra cost when it does of course. Plusnet to be fair have refunded our monthly bill, but we'd rather be able to stream without the constant buffering of those on-line movies and be able to talk without crackles on the phone line.

Just for the record, seven engineer calls to date, one unannounced call on a Sunday, one failure to return as promised and the root of all my moans and cause of my now paper thin patience - never better but often worse than 1.5mbps download speed.  

PS: Neighbours port and starboard both still chugging along at around 5mbps, as we used to be.

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville