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Appalling Service

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎14-01-2016

Appalling Service

I have been with Plusnet for the last 10 years or so and am sad to say they have gone from being the best ISP to the worst in terms of support and customer service.
I logged a call on the 29th December regarding slow download speeds on my fibre connection and after being told it was due to 'exchange may have been over-subscribed ' and then being told on two seperate occasions that my circuit would be moved to less subscribed V'LAN's this is still onging now some 5 weeks later. I have chased this countless times to be ignored by the so called "Support Team" and even after logging a complaint I am still getting nowhere.
The next update is meant to happen tomorrow, although I'm not holding my breath!!!.
This is an Open Reach problem - NOT mine, Plusnet need to spend less on advertising and trying to attract new business with false slogans like "We'll do you proud" and apply more pressure to Open Reach to get faults resolved within their own SLA's.
Does anyone have the conatct details for the MD or Technical Director as  Plusnet's customer and technical support is a complete waste of time and threats of leaving are completely ignored - just had a thought I might post the entire call history on the Plusnet Twitter feed!.
We'll do you proud ...... REALLY !!!!
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎02-02-2016

Re: Appalling Service

I agree with you. They should change their slogan to "Sign up and we won't give a <insert expletive of choice>"
I would love the contact details of the MD.
Keep smiling 'time4change' - I hope that your issue gets sorted very soon
Rising Star
Posts: 369
Thanks: 15
Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Re: Appalling Service

I suspect that it is bad form to post Andy Baker'scontact details here, but there is a website that allows you to look up such things.
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎14-01-2016

Re: Appalling Service

@scottjo - I could not agree more - see gofaster post for AndyBaker's contact details
@gofaster - thanks for the info a mail will be headed his way very soon.
I am awaiting the next update from "The Support Team" with extremely low epectations !!
I repeat - Best Value Broadband and Phone Provider & Best Customer Service - Simplifydigital Customer Choice Awards 2015 - REALLY !!!
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎14-01-2016

Re: Appalling Service

Well the much anticipated update, was as expected - no update, no contact from 'The Support Team' and no change to the rubbish service PN are supplying !!!
Plusnet should at least
a) Be honest with their existing / loyal customers
b) Spend less on trying to attract new customers with promises of a service that they can't deliver
c) Actually force Openreach to fix the faults within the agreed SLA's
d) Invest the money saved from advertising on the customer service / technical support staff
e) Offer refunds / partial refunds to customers whose faults are dragging on, and on - with no fix date in sight....
and look after the business and the existing customers whilst they still have some ......
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎02-02-2016

Re: Appalling Service

I agree - PN cannot cope with their existing customer base let alone any new customers that sign up. That you for Andy Bakers details, I will send him a mail also.
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎14-01-2016

Re: Appalling Service

I see Plus Net staff responding to posts - how do I get them to look at the open calls I've got that no one responds to ?Huh
Posts: 17,724
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Appalling Service

I've just had a look at your account and can see it's being dealt with by our complaints team and faults teams already, so I'll give them a nudge but they are the best placed to deal with this for you.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎02-02-2016

Re: Appalling Service

Send a mail to Andy Baker - managing director and see what he says!
Rising Star
Posts: 1,153
Thanks: 13
Registered: ‎14-08-2007

Re: Appalling Service

Quote from: Chris
I've just had a look at your account and can see it's being dealt with by our complaints team and faults teams already, so I'll give them a nudge but they are the best placed to deal with this for you.

Chris - I'm really struggling to understand how you can state " they are the best placed to deal with this for you" when they are patently failing to do so. Unless you are stating that this is an example of the best service plusnet are able to offer.
Posts: 196
Registered: ‎03-04-2008

Re: Appalling Service

Quote from: time4change

Does anyone have the conatct details for the MD or Technical Director as  Plusnet's customer and technical support is a complete waste of time and threats of leaving are completely ignored - just had a thought I might post the entire call history on the Plusnet Twitter feed!.