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Bring back the ability for customers to raise a ticket via App or Website

Community Gaffer
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Re: Bring back the ability for customers to raise a ticket via App or Website

I'm not sure why you'd be unable to PM me, because my PM preferences are definitely set appropriately as I've been getting a flurry of PM's from various other people everyday.

Can you try this direct link:

With regards to delaying the archive of your mail, sadly this isn't something we have influence over as I believe the archive system is automated to archive mail at a certain point, but if you do find them archived if you let me know I'd happy to arrange for your messages to be released. Similarly unfortunately we can't e-mail your mail to you I'm afraid.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Bring back the ability for customers to raise a ticket via App or Website

I'm not sure what was going through a seniors managers mind when they deciced to make the wise Laugh decision to axe the ticket system.

Given the service has now decreased, can we expect a redunction in the montly bill to compensate for that?

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Bring back the ability for customers to raise a ticket via App or Website

Hi @Alex


Thanks for getting in touch.


I do apologise for any inconvenience and will pass on your feedback regarding this.


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Re: Bring back the ability for customers to raise a ticket via App or Website

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Re: Bring back the ability for customers to raise a ticket via App or Website

I believe I have an issue to report concerning some inconsistencies with call charges levied - some charged, others zero charge. I would rather not put the account details or list phone numbers on a public forum. It is not an urgent problem as it doesnt impact the ability to make calls, and the amounts charged are not significant enough to warrant resolution in a short timescale. This is a typical situation in which the ability to report the issue via a ticket system would be ideal, as it would not impact front-line CSAs, and the traceability and resolution would be appropriately recorded. Resorting to chat or a forum query does not provide the user with the facility to provide sufficient detail to help resolve the issue. 

Given the feedback reported in this thread concerning the removal of the ticket system as a formal route for users to report such issues, is it at all likely that those responsible for such decisions will consider re-introducing the ticket system for users to report problems?

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Community Gaffer
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Re: Bring back the ability for customers to raise a ticket via App or Website

@shermans wrote: 
Unfortunately, yo have not answered my question.  I have three folders in Webmail which Plusnet has asked me to reduce.  I cannot reduce them because whenever I try to download them using SETTINGS > Download, the server just times out all the time, no matter how few I try to download.

So my question is what am I supposed to do about existing emails ?  Clearly in FUTURE, I will try to have to avoid relying on Webmail, but it is a bit late to tell me that at this stage.

As per my private message on the 07/01/2019, I refreshed the mailbox component on your account to try to improve the performance, but unfortunately if this doesn't improve things further I'm afraid from a support perspective there's little we can do further as we're already aware that we have performance problems with webmail which we're still working on resolving.

Are you able to download your messages via a mail client?


@maranello, I'm afraid I don't have any news to share regarding when or if we'll re-instate the ticket system in full, but as per previous replies the feedback has been passed on in the past.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Bring back the ability for customers to raise a ticket via App or Website

@maranello wrote:

Given the feedback reported in this thread concerning the removal of the ticket system as a formal route for users to report such issues, is it at all likely that those responsible for such decisions will consider re-introducing the ticket system for users to report problems?

It's not just this thread; I, and many other forum users including SuperUsers, have been banging on about it for years with absolutely no sign of anything changing.

There's more chance of winning the lottery - even if you don't buy a ticket.

A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from a simpler system that worked just fine
Zen SOGEA 40/10 + Digital Voice   FRITZ!Box 7530
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Re: Bring back the ability for customers to raise a ticket via App or Website

Without the ticket system, the only avenues for a customer to report an issue is via phone, which is so under-resourced that there are long wait times, and cannot be used to report issues occuring outside of limited hours, via chat (ditto), or via this forum, where there is no guarantee that it will be picked up. 

As customers, we pay Plusnet to provide a service, but there is no accountability within these methods for Plusnet to fulfil that service within any measurable level of performance.  

@Gandalf I'm sorry to say that your response to my comment came across as dismissive, but I apologise if that was not your intent. Just because others have in the past provided feedback on this, surely Plusnet should take notice of each and every customer who takes the time to present reasonable arguments why the facility was removed, and respond to the specific points raised.  

My other car isn't a Ferrari