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Bullying and Intimating Customers

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Registered: ‎02-06-2019

Bullying and Intimating Customers

Official Formal Complaint against PlusNet which you are ignoring!!

I have had ENOUGH NOW PlusNet 

First you allow another company to slam me without notify me it was happening!!!!

Then PlusNet caused no end of aggravation bringing me back; leaving me without my telephone line, internet, alarm system, especially my emergency response alarm.  Forcing me to stay with family until the above matter was resolved.  I do not have all the above in place just for the fun of it - they are needed for health and safety reasons!!!!!!!!!!!

Then for whatever reason, since early April I have had to put up with weeks of my internet dropping and losing signal
Then I have to endure you cutting me off for non-payment of a monthly payment which I had paid in full.

Mon, 2 April 2019 - I have made numerous requests to PlusNet to remove their voicemail feature to no avail - 02 June 2019

Sunday 26 May it is still active in spite of receiving an email from PlusNet - Fri, 24 May 2019 15:21 stating “the voicemail feature has now been removed”!       02 June 2019 – Voice mail still active - GET IT OFF - it is causing chaos how many more times!

Then PlusNet sent all my ‘’’’Private & Confidential Data / Information’’’’ to a Debt Collection Agency for the sum of £146.86 that I never owed PlusNet in the first place!!!        Now I am being intimated and battered by Oriel Debt Collection Agency via my phone and letters to my home address (received 01 June 2019) now demanding payment immediately for the sum of  £183.58 and their charges will continue to rise until Oriel starts court proceeding against me; unless I pay them money I never even owed PlusNet  in the first place!

Fri, 10 May 2019 8:52 - Even after receiving an email from PlusNet stating “my talk plan Unlimited UK & Mobile isn't being reflected on my account and therefore I am being charged for calls incorrectly” - Then PlusNet go on to allege: -

“Their issues are unfortunately a part of a wider issue, which is affecting the functionality of ‘Plusnet’s systems’, which is preventing Plusnet performing any actions on my account and Plusnet do not have any updates on how long this will take to rectify As the issue is complex unfortunately at this time” ????????????????”...

01 June 2019 - I am again receiving further emails from Plusnet stated “I am have again reaching my Home Phone credit threshold again and need to top up. --- I have UNLIMITED UK landline and Mobile Calls package - prior and since I returned to PlusNet and are threating to limit my service with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is PlusNet constantly threatening me they will cut off my phone service that will seriously affect my alarm system, especially my emergency response, if I do not increase my credit threshold when I have an Unlimited UK & Mobile talk package with PlusNet ????  

Plusnet is causing me a great deal of stress, I am constantly unsettled and anxious because I am persistently checking and recheck my alarm system, my phone etc.!

I can no longer cope with this unacceptable nightmare service Plusnet has; and continues to provide since bringing my account back from another company who Plusnet allowed to slam me without notifying me it was happing!

PlusNet only have a couple of days left to address my Official Formal Complaint.
Answers Plusnet – You have made my life a misery and I want answers ASAP

I have followed PlusNet's complaints procedures to the letter and I will continue to record all telephone conversations with PlusNet 




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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

Moderators Note

This topic has been moved from Community Feedback  to Plusnet Feedback as it's related to Plusnet Service rather than the Forum.

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Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

Hi @harrypotter4321, thanks for taking the time to get in touch and bringing this to our attention. I am sincerely sorry to hear of the experience you have had these past few months and fully appreciate the frustration this has caused. It's a shame to see the experience you've had falls below the service we aim to provide.

Prior to services being taken over by a new provider, communication is normally sent via our automated system to confirm of this takeover which in turn notifies not only yourself but ourselves too. From looking into both accounts it appears this communication was not sent out therefore, there was no prior warning for yourself or for ourselves of this incorrect takeover. I'd be unable to provide an answer as to why this did take place however I've sent it off to the relevant department for internal investigation.

In terms of the issues with your connection, can you confirm if this is still ongoing or if it has stabilized recently?

The early termination fees that were applied to the account that was incorrectly closed down should certainly not have been applied and I can see it's currently in the process of being removed as per this ticket here.

With regards to the voicemail feature, I believe this has already been addressed on a support ticket on the account, however due to your call plan of 'Unlimited UK & Mobile Calls' being stuck in a pending state, we're unable to add/remove call features until this pending call package goes into an active state. This is being worked on by our Incident Management Team but I'm unable to provide any updates with regards to a fix date.

I can see you have since been in touch with our Support Team and credits have been applied to the account to cover these call charges you've been having due to the call package not being active. As well as this, I can see you've recently raised a formal complaint - this will be assigned to a case handler and someone will be in touch with you shortly.

Once again, I am extremely sorry for the issues you have had and I hope we're able to resolve this swiftly for you and restore some faith in our service.

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 Alice Baillie
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

Hi Harry,

A warm welcome to the forums, sounds like you’ve had a tough time of it, which I hope one of the staffers around here will get sorted promptly for you.

Line slamming (or accidentally line take over) by some suppliers is legion. Do you know who was involved? Did you not receive a line take over warning email to your default email account? If you did, did you advise Plusnet to stop the take over?

I’ve had direct experience of one of the LLU jockeys slam a line, I received the slamming notice, told PlusNET to reject it, which they did promptly, only for BTw to ignore the instructions and two weeks later terminate the service regardless ... giving rise to erroneous early termination charges.

Though PlusNET acted promptly to rectify the issue, there were a few things which needed fixing afterwards. Given that the line is not used for phone calls, we did not run into the phone credit limit issue as you have.

I can well imagine that subsequently your account status might be a bit of a mess. I’d suspect that something is stopping the account option changes being applied correctly. Hopefully one of the the other wizards around here will get this fixed quickly - either @Gandalf or @Dumbledore will come to your aid - there’s not yet a Merlin on the team! Cheesy

Edit: Alice responded quicker than I could type ... sounds much like I feared ... the SUs have already raised this case for discussion. Hope you are soon sorted.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎02-06-2019

Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

Thank you for your responses. Have to admit I wasn’t expecting it.
The main issues is the debt collection agency Oriel
They will not except that Plusnet got it wrong.
Even after I spoke to them and explained the situation still Oriel will not except I do not owe the debt; and still sent me a letter I received yesterday with the costs raising and pay up or else
I have never had a debt, especially one that has been sent to a debt collection agency.
I am told by Plusnet to ignore them. Easier said than done, not knowing the process of debt collection agency works, - every time the door goes or the phone rings I’m in bits, believing they are coming to take my belongings.
I understand now; debt collection agency cannot just turn up at your home and demanded or force their way in, but I didn’t know this until this morning
Yes I found out who was involved, and - No I did not receive any warning my line was being taken over or more to the point it had! - It was only due to my sister noticing my number was open. I telephoned to find out why Plusnet removed the withheld feature and this is when I was informed I cancelled my contract and was with another provider!
I have again have had restrictions placed on my account – no internet and only emergency calls! Apparently it should be up and running again in the next couple of hours. Thankfully, my son has his own supplier and I can piggy back on his internet
I have been advised not to set up a direct debt as they would have taken £133.00 out of my account for rather than the £24.99
It appears I have to go through this every month until Plusnet resolve whatever issues they are having, - it is extremely worry and exhausting.

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Duplicate post released from Spam Filter and removed.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

Hello @harrypotter4321,


I am deeply sorry for the undue stress this will be causing you and the inconvenience this overall experience has caused.


Your complaint has been assigned a case handler and I spoken with them for an update. He has advised he is committed to get this resolved as quickly as possible. He has advised he will call you today to discuss your complaint further.



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 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

Thank you Sam for you kind words.

May I ask, do you know the name of the first name of the case handler?

I  am only asking because I am a little worried answering the phone at the moment.

It would make it easier if I know his name when he calls,  of if this makes sense



Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

His name is [CSA Removed] @harrypotter4321 and I can ask him to update the ticket here with a time as to when to expect his call.

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): CSA name(s) removed as per Forum rules.

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 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

Hi Need your help again

I have been bombarded since yesterday morning from the following to telephone numbers - 01351204681 and 02929264837

Messages state:

"I have been hacked by an overseas company and need to press number 1 on my key pad and it will take me directly to a BT representative who will be able to assist me. This came from the 02929264837 number

When the above call is not answered or put down during voice recording an hour later the number 01351204681 rings stating:

"Your boardband provider have tried to contact you several times regarding your account.  Please contact immediately before your services will be disconnect tomorrow" ????Huh

I have a feeling it may be a scam - can you clarify if it is or not?

Regards MBM


The Full Monty
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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

@harrypotter4321 Confirmed! These are both long-running scams -see for examples.

The Full Monty
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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

Just to add to my above comment, dialing code 01351 is not in use in the UK.

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Registered: ‎02-06-2019

Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

Thank you

I did think it was; just wanted to make sure

Regards MBM

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Registered: ‎02-06-2019

Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

I received the following emails Fri, 19 Jul 2019 12:41 from [CSA Removed] & Fri, 2 Aug 2019 11:29

Fri, 2 Aug 2019 11:29  from Plusnet Customer Support stating Payment reminder - (both emails pasted below)

From my understanding I would receive a call from Plusnet to make a payment over the phone due to Plusnet ongoing billing issues.

Secondly, even if I was happy to pay the amount requested for £14. 23 via my on line account; how I am suppose to pay when you have restricted my account again  ???.

I am not spending an hour on the phone waiting for Plusnet to answer my call, then having to explain months of upset of why I am calling!

I am again riding on my someone else server to write this correspondence, and I am not putting my bank details or any other personal details in my Plusnet Account; while I am not certain of the internet supplier I am being forced to use again is as safe as mine!

[CSA Removed] if you are back from leave, could you please pick up and address this further issue of my resticted internet use, especially due to the chaos caused relating to my account with Plusnet is not of my making.

Also please arrange a time and date when Plusnet can contact me to take the payment of £14.23.  Please remember it was  Plusnet Customer Support that advised me not to set up; and or give banking details until the matter of the call charges were resolved!

Also if the payment was only due the 2nd August why has my account been restricted immediately; and I have not been give time to contact Plusnet to resolve the matter before restrictions was put in place?


Kind Regards



Question 190033538 has been updated

Hello [Removed],

Account username: [Removed]

Our Support Team have updated Question 190033538 with the comment shown below.

Dear [Removed],

Thank you for your patience.

I have reviewed the account today and can see that the main billing issue has resolved it self however at this point we are unable to add the call plan. As previously advised I will look at the billing prior to the bill being issued and refund the call charges accordingly so that the billing is correct,

This will happen on the 31st of July however i am on leave so i have arranged for my colleague to pick this up in my absence and place a credit on the account before the bill is produced. I will be back in the office for when your bill is produced on the 2nd August to make sure that this has all gone ahead as planned.

Kind regards,

[CSA Removed]


Payment reminder

Dear [Removed],

Account Username: [Removed]

We've not been able to take the payment due on 2nd August 2019.

Payment due

Amount owed: £14.23

To avoid restrictions to your service please make a payment in the next 14 days.

How to pay

You can pay online by logging into and following the on-screen instructions.

If you've got any problems with making a payment just call us on 0800 432 0200.

Got a question?

Instead of replying to this email, contact us using Help Assistant or call us on 0800 432 0200 or 0345 140 0200.

Kind regards,

Plusnet Customer Support

Moderator's note by Dick (Strat): CSA name(s) removed (to an area staff can see) as per Forum rules.

Moderator's note by Dick (Strat): Personal information removed from a public forum (to an area that staff can see).

Rising Star
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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

You may want to consider removing your username, and personal details.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Bullying and Intimating Customers

Hi there @harrypotter4321

I'm really sorry that what was agreed hasn't applied. Looking at your account your case handler is has raised something on the back end that he's tracking, so he should be back in touch with you tomorrow.


In the meantime, I've lifted the restrictions and you should be able to browse as normal, please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.


As a side note, since this is a publicly accessible forum, I'd highly recommend you refrain from including your full name, your account username and any information that is specific to your account in posts.