@CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
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- @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones...
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 12:25 PM
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I 've only needed to phone in twice in the years I've been here. First was because LLU didn't care but 21CN DLM was problematic and it was detected I had a dodgy phone line. One call and fixed within 2 weeks.
Second time was to confirm my slow fibre speed compared to the initial estimate was correct. Line tested and all OK so speed down to ally telewag wiring.
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 1:34 PM
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Surely with this modern tech we have now, where we can pay for just about anything with PayPal, Plusnet should get it`s act together and accept PayPal payment... no need to be hanging around on a phone for hours..... My arm and my ears were aching from the wait, ...
But... There again...it`s not happening to Chris... or any of the PN staff, so it`s not important any more....
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 1:56 PM
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I know you'll want to communicate with us in your own preferred way but don't forget we have web chat agents available and I'm happy to help out via here if there's anything in particular.
We're putting what focus we can on improving this situation and I'm sorry that things haven't improved as quickly as we may have liked.
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 2:24 PM
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It`s written all over the present thread..... he promised SIX YEARS AGO.... that .>>GIVEN TIME... WE WILL GET THERE....
and he has failed... if not him personally,... then PlusNet, who he was representing when he gave those assurances... ...
It is not too much to ask. that when a phone call is requested, by Customer Service staff...that Phone call,.... and indeed, all the other phone calls, SHOULD BE ANSWERED WITHIN A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME>.. bearing in mind the time of day, and possible "busy periods"....
So ... For example.... between the hours of (say) 0900 and 1300 .... 30 mins MAXIMUM
1300 to 1800 .... again. 30 mins MAX
1800 to 2200..........45 mins MAX
However.... a much better system would be to give the opportunity to the caller to be called back, when their turn comes.... to save "hanging on.... doing nothing, but listen to scratch sounds and getting ear ache.... as well as stiff limbs... The pathetic message underneath the graphs stating that peak times are being monitored to ensure waiting is kept to a minimum is a load of......... (enter your own words )....
after 2200 there should be a max wait of 5 minutes... due to the lower number of calls after 2200.... and that is taken from your own graphs on the status pages....
You should take time to read this whole thread..... and also the one I started 6 years ago,.... and then,....perhaps you will understand why I, in particular, and many other faithful customers, are angry that we have a SHODDY customer service, and one that NONE OF US WILL RECOMMEND, given the chance....
Chris, took the responsiblity of stating that the service would improve, given some time....... so he is the one that gets the brickbats......AND RIGHTLY SO... If his only "improvement" has been to watch the telephone customer service disintegrate into a farce of the word "SERVICE", in SIX YEARS... then how much more time does he need....
And this statement by you .... really is the pure genious.....
We're putting what focus we can on improving this situation and I'm sorry that things haven't improved as quickly as we may have liked.
You should stand for parliament...... because nobody will believe what you have just said... and that makes for perfect politicians.... They spout off the first trite thing that they can think of, and nobody ever believes any thing they say either....
Being "sorry about the wait"... doesn`t cut it with me..... I have been waiting for SIX YEARS to see the "situation impove"...
Your mention of the "web chat" agents.... did you not read my other post about that ? Took me almost 2 days to get that chat service working.... and when I did manage it.... it was no thanks to PLUSNET ... it was another customer, who pointed out what could have caused it...
Plusnet should revise the webchat scripts.... so that NON computer nerds can use it......
Further to that thread.... and the reason for this thread.... is The guy on the chat said I had to phone up to pay for my router,... as it could not be done over chat.... yet you have my bank details and the charge could well have been added to that..... OR... you should make available an ONLINE payment system using PAYPAL... in this the 21st century.... even small retailers use on line payments system... why can`t Plusnet.... ?
So, Adam... I hope you are now CLEAR why CHRIS is getting the flak........ I just hope that he is so ashamed, and you too, for not reading posts properly, to actually get on and do something about it...
SOONER rather than "......in time... we`ll get there"
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 2:32 PM
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As said I'm sorry that you've had to endure some long waits and I'll be around here and happy to help for the foreseeable future and so will Chris.
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 2:55 PM
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Not seeing the whole picture, and making trite comments is something you should be ashamed of..... .... Your "apology"... does not remove the frustration, and stress caused by the lack of improvement ( nay... not lack of improvement.... more in the way of escalation of the original problem to the depths that it has now sunk...)... of the service over the past SIX YEARS... something that you have failed to understand.....
I suggest you read the whole of the two thread,... this one and the one about the chat service... and read it as if it were happening to you.... ....
not as someone just "having a go"... because, I can assure you.. I only "have a go"...when I feel I am totally justified in doing so....
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 3:08 PM
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 3:15 PM
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This thread is not supposed to be a "personal attack"... more of a reminder that, promises were made, and have been forgotten along the way... and someone should take responsibility for that...
If the person who makes statements that improvements are in the pipeline.... because of increased numbers of staff, increased capacity, and other factors, suchas "give us time to train up the new staff and you will see improvements".... then that person is the responsible person if it doesn`t happen...... and ... that person takes the credit if it does.... but on the obverse side of the coin...he should stand up and be counted, when the brickbats start flying in his direction.....
Adam is doing his best to deflect the brickbats, but he will fail......

Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 3:17 PM
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As I do not work for PlusNet I do not know (but would be interested to find out) how they determine the number of bums they need to man the phones. Doing what I do for a living I see the need here for a forecasting model, one that can be (ideally) fed lots of historical data, regarding waiting times, call numbers, bum count, staff numbers and availability, phone line count, shift requirements, call completion times and if available a category of the support being required, to name some.
The output of said model could be a list of employee names along with the days and the times they were required to cover these periods. I do not see why a company like PlusNet do not use such an approach to help combat the issue reported here. But if PlusNet are using a model to fulfil this requirement then someone needs to review its objective function.
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 3:33 PM
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If they had accepted my suggestion, and put the necessary equipment in place within a year.. ( due to financial/training costs etc )... the current chaos would probably not be happening... and neither would this thread...
My suggestion at this time... is to go ahead with the "your turn is number".. system.... and also the furthe refinement of pressing 9 for a call back when that turn eventually arrives... would negate much bad feeling, frustration, stress, and anxiety, for customers who have other things to get on with, instead of sitting around for an hour or more, listening to the deplorable scratch music and constantly repeated message about having your username and password ready...
Of course... the other insult, whilst waiting on the phone to speak to someone, is to suggest that you get off the phone and use the internet..... Oh I wish....... when the internet tells you , you can only do it over the phone... to get that message, really rams it home, that there is something radically wrong with the systems in place....
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 3:38 PM
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All customers are interested in is a good service ie the service we used to have.
Seems the more we are expected to pay the less we get.
We have a couple of Andy's on the forum it's the third one it would be nice to hear from occasionally.

Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 3:56 PM
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 3:59 PM
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I'm highlighting this thread in the meantime and I'm sure Chris will comment if he feels the need on Monday.
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 4:14 PM
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I`m 71 yrs old this year........ another SIX YEARS time and I may not be here to see them....
Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones
11-07-2015 6:03 PM
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Sorry chum, but I have to take exception to that, disturbed as I am by your problem. Snide, quasi abuse, remarks about staff of any business should not be directed at individual members of staff, but at the company concerned.
Quote from: shutter The reason for my phone call, was because I wanted a new router, and there is no provision for Paying for it via on line transaction.... it HAS to be done over the phone... even though they already have my bank details, because of the direct debit.... they still need the details from my card...
Surely with this modern tech we have now, where we can pay for just about anything with PayPal, Plusnet should get it`s act together and accept PayPal payment... no need to be hanging around on a phone for hours..... My arm and my ears were aching from the wait, ...
But... There again...it`s not happening to Chris... or any of the PN staff, so it`s not important any more....
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- @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones...